Friday, January 22, 2010

Cool Painting Video!

Our son, David Palumbo, made this video of himself painting one of his "Postcard Nudes" from start to finish. He's done over 100 pieces like this now (50 of them featured in his first book, "Quickie"; more in an upcoming book yet to be titled) and still manages to stay enthusiastic about painting nude ladies. How does he do it?

Sunday, December 20, 2009


We've just had this huge snowstorm and the view from our studio window is so beautiful that we had to share it with you! One would think it would be a good day to stay inside and paint, but for some crazy reason, it seems irresistible to get out there and be in the snow.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Illuxcon 2

The second Illuxcon took place last week from Thursday the 12th through Sunday the 15th in Altoona, PA. More than sixty five artists were at hand displaying several hundred incredible pieces of art. Numerous collectors were also in attendance purchasing
original art as well as high quality prints for their collections. David, Tony, and his girlfriend, Nonie and the two of us had a grand time. Julie and I also gave an impromptu demonstration as we were working on two paintings for our 2011 calendar. The above picture of Julie appeared in the first page of the local newspaper. What fun!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Illustration Master Class III

To all of you who might be interested in attending this year's Illustration Master Class, we've just gotten word that now is a good time to register! Don't miss this amazing opportunity to study with the two of us as well as Rebecca Guay, James Gurney, Greg Manchess, Donato Giancola, Dan Dos Santos, Scott Fischer, and Irene Gallo. Experiences like this don't grow on trees!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Barn Time

We've just come back from our annual trip to The Barn. Every year about this time, we pack up our paints and easels and head out to the Berkshire Mountains in Massachusetts to meet up with a group of our fellow artist friends. We spend a week working together, sharing inspiration and silliness, making campfires, eating s'mores. It's great because we can have a refreshing get-away while still getting our work done. The internet service is sketchy and phone service is practically non-existent, so we can really concentrate on good old fashioned painting.

This is an example of the inspiration/silliness part. Photographed by Marc Scheff. Drawn by Tony, Dena, Boris, Julie, and Winona.

Arkady Roytman, Dave Seeley, Justin Gerard, and Boris

Cyril Van Der Haegen, Dena Obeza, Barn, David Palumbo, Arkady Roytman

Winona Nelson, Anthony Palumbo, Lars Grant-West and Dilly, David Palumbo

Justin Gerard, Kerry, Marc Scheff, Jordu Schell, Julie, Dilly, Scott Brundage

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Spectrum Show at The Society of Illustrators

This past weekend, we had the thrill of attending both the Spectrum exhibit at the Society of Illustrators in New York City AND going back the next day for Art Out Loud. Painting demonstrations were being given by Donato Giancola, Gregory Manchess, Charles Vess, Sam Weber, and James Gurney, who was painting a portrait from life of the great art historian, Walter Reed. It was such a blast! By the way, in case you didn't know about it, James Gurney not only paints awesome life portraits and is an honest-to-goodness nice person, but he has one of the best blogs about painting we know of.
So now our heads are filled with new art and inspiration as well as all the fun we had getting together with our fellow art-loving friends! If you are anywhere near New York City, you will be doing yourself a great favor by stopping by the SOI to see the show while it's up.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Our 2010 Calendar

It's that time of the year again! Our 2010 Calendar is now available! Get 'em while they're hot--which is always, but you should get 'em now, nevertheless.