
Showing posts with label drones. Show all posts
Showing posts with label drones. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Tips for taking Nightscapes from a drone

A DJI Mavic 3 drone photo, taken above the Outeniqua Pass foothills in South Africa by Agnieszka Taggart

 Written by Agnieszka Taggart

Agnies is a licensed drone pilot and instructor in Johannesburg, South Africa.

Drones are becoming more popular among photographers so it’s no surprise that with the improving specifications, they are also becoming usable in night sky photography.

There are couple things to consider though.

One is the legal side of flying drones at night as some countries only allow drones during the day or with special permissions.

The second one is drone capability to take long exposure photos. Modern drones are quite good at holding the position, but what’s considered good in the world of drones, may not always be good enough in terms of optics and photography.

Typically, the longest exposure from a drone is 8 seconds, but it does not mean that all your exposures taken at 8s will be usable - this is to the fact that even within this rime, the drone will have some movement, usually caused by wind.

Drones typically use the below systems to hold the position:

  • GPS: modern drones use as many satelites as they can detect, 12-15 satelites is needed for good position lock, sometimes even more. Accuracy increases with number of available satellites
  • Compass/ gyroscope: this defines which way the drone is pointing 
  • Visual sensors: many drones are equipped with visual sensors for position hold. The sensors scan the ground and register the image  - the more contrast and illumination, the better the visual position hold. 

In order to get good position lock, hover over something bright and with good contrast - you might want to put a torch on a landing pad.

Accuracy of visual sensors decreases with height, so do not fly high if you don’t have to. In most cases, you only need to clear the height of the roof and trees, so 10-15m above the ground should be enough. Wind is also weaker close to the ground and increases and often changes direction as you mice up.

* Do not take off from a car roof, there is a lot of interference from car electronics that might affect the accuracy of the drone compass. If you chose to hover above a car, take off from a different spot and move over once you reach required height.

Based on the above, you might need to adjust your regular work flow for all types of night time photography.

1) Single exposures

As mentioned, you will be limited to 8 seconds. That’s short, so in order to have usable image, you will need to dial up your ISO. I typically use ISO3200 on my Mavic 3. In case of single exposures, sensor size is the key. You might get away with 1 inch sensor, but 4/3 will produce better results. Take many shots and choose best - they will not all be usable. The types of photos that work well in this situation are naturally contrasty and well illuminating landscapes (snow, sand, water, pale rocks such as sandstone and dolomites), landscape with busy road to capture the trailing lights and non-aggressive light painting

2) Blending and stacking

Typically you would take some shots at “blue hour” and then some night sky shots later. With this technique, it is critical to keep the drone in same position. It is extremely unlikely that you will do this with a single battery, so you will have to record the exact drone position, direction and height. You may want to create a waypoint if your drone app has this function.

3) Composites

Using drone for night time photography is challenging and you may be left with no option than to create composite. If you do, make sure that it is true to nature - check the directions and star positions. It is useful to take a shot with most prominent stars and combine it with shots from the ground. And of course ALWAYS reveal the technique.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Using Drones For Lighting NightScapes

"Shark Fin" ocean landscape lit with a light source suspended in the sky by a DJI quad copter. A 45-second
exposure using a Canon 5D Mark II. Image processed in Adobe Camera Raw. ~ © Russell Preston Brown
Theory: Small aerial drones can be used not only to carry cameras but light-weight LED lights to illuminate foreground objects from above and behind. For about two years, I've toyed with the idea of using small drones to enhance my NightScape photographs. When the Park Service placed a ban on drones within U.S. national parks about a year ago, I put a hold on this idea. Then, I saw this photo two days ago (on by Russell Brown, and my interest was reignited. There are many other areas besides national parks were this technique can be used.

On Russell's Facebook page he wrote, "Aaron Grimes and I worked together last night to capture this version of our light painting at Shark Fin. We shot this with a Canon 5D Mark II. Who knew that there was a curfew at this beach after 10:00pm. The local ranger politely asked us to leave. The light at the top of the Shark Fin was actually the headlights from the ranger's car [see above image]. Perfect timing..."

Russell's cropped and enhanced version on his Instagram account ~ © Russell Preston Brown
This is not the first time Brown has used his small drone to do lighting from an aerial platform. The following photo was taken about a year ago in the California desert:

"Alien Encounter" - DJI copter holding a bright light in the sky ~ © Russell Preston Brown
"Dr. Brown"
Russell Brown is the Senior Creative Director at Adobe Systems Incorporated as well as an Emmy Award-winning instructor. His ability to bring together the world of design and software development is a perfect match for Adobe products. Brown shows users how to work – and play – with Adobe software.  His in-depth design knowledge and zany presentation style has won him a regular following among beginning, intermediate, and advanced users alike.

You can find many of Russell's tutorials at, including this video on Drone Flying Tips.