Showing posts with label Nature. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nature. Show all posts

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Davao Crocodile Park Adventure...

We just had to visit the Davao Crocodile Park while I was visiting Nancy.
Nancy told me so much about the park so we made it a point to visit.
I am so happy we made time to fit it in as we saw a lot of great things.
We saw a lot more here at the beautiful park ...
More pictures will be posted in the future...
Nancy and I had a lot of fun here at the park as you can see...
This one a great place for the two of us to build our wonderful memories...

Saturday, September 4, 2010

A day at Living Treasures...

Alex so loved these little tiny baby monkeys...
The beautiful Tigers...
The so pretty Lion sitting like a King...
Cool looking birds...
More cool birds...
Feeding lamas and ponies...
Alex feeding the goats all by himself...
Alex is feeding more goats...
Feeding the Lamas and the horses ...Wow some gators looking hungry...
Mr Black bear just hanging around waiting for food...
Having fun...
Alex size ponies he is contemplating feeding them...
Alex decided to feed the ponies...
Here we found a few deers...
Meet MR Grizzly Bear waiting for food...
Little Monkey watching people go by...
Here we found more monkeys...
Here is a Guinea hen...
Here is a chicken wondering around...

This is a video of the tigers its awesome check it out...

A Day at Living Treasures Animal Park...

Wow a beautiful Black Leopard... A Camel and Goats...
The little Guy is an Armadillo... Pappy helping Alex feed the animals...
Alex visiting a baby monkey...
Alex is amazed a second baby monkey wants to play... The monkey is trying to shake hands with Alex... Lots of Billy Goats...
Cute little Prairie Dog...
A very loud Parrots...Beautiful Wolves...Alex's favorite is the Duck... Here is another cute Monkey...