Showing posts with label beach. Show all posts
Showing posts with label beach. Show all posts

Monday 9 March 2009

Unfinished Acrylics 2

This next unfinished acrylic is a painting of Robin Hood's Bay, North Yorkshire.

Robin Hood's Bay
Acrylics on stretched canvas
24" x 36"

One of my favourite painting subjects, Robin Hood's Bay is a small village nestling amongst the cliffs leading down to the sea, just south of Whitby. It's a frequently visited tourist attraction , but has maintained it's small fishing village atmosphere.
This painting is at a midway point. It needs a general 'going over' to emphasize details, sort out tonal values etc.

Win one of my original paintings
See this post

Friday 6 March 2009

Unfinished Acrylics

I have a few acrylic paintings that I began, Oooohhhhhh, erm lets say a few months ago and are still hanging around, waiting to be finished. Concentrating on watercolours has meant that the acrylics have become rather neglected and I'm feeling it's about time I put some effort into finishing them. If I post about them it might motivate me!!
This first one is actually more or less completed. It just needs a few finishing touches.

Beach Huts
Acrylic on stretched canvas
24" x 20"

This is based on the beach huts at Wells watercolour I included in an earlier post. I just love painting beach huts. Their chunky shapes and bright colours reminiscent of long days on the beach.

Win one of my original paintings

See this post

Tuesday 3 February 2009

All in a Row, Robin Hood's Bay

Well, Monday we had our first proper snowfall of the winter. I was straight out with my camera taking loads of photos. Snow tends not to hang around too long here , so I wanted to get loads of reference material for future paintings.
Meanwhile, I'm still painting the summer!
This latest watercolour shows the beach at Robin Hood's Bay, a small village on the North Yorkshire coast, just south of Whitby.

All in a Row, Robin Hood's Bay
Artist quality watercolours on watercolour paper
8.3" x 11.7"

This family were having a lovely, relaxed time in their deckchairs.
This work is available for purchase from my etsy shop.

Win one of my original watercolours

For details, see the previous post

Saturday 6 December 2008

First sale on Etsy

At last! My first sale from my Etsy shop.

Arran, looking towards Kintyre
Acrylic on canvas, 24cm x 30cm

I painted this view earlier this year from photos I took on a holiday a couple of years ago to the Isle of Arran, off the south-west coast of Scotland. The view is looking towards Kintyre on the Scottish mainland. Kintyre is a 40 mile peninsula stretching out across the North Channel, towards Northern Ireland. The painting has been bought as a Christmas present.

Also, I have spent the morning hanging my exhibition, which starts this Monday. It's great to see all the paintings hanging together.

Monday 10 November 2008

"And Were There Strangers On The Beach? (A Moonlight Fantasy)"

I was prompted to post this work after seeing the recent posting by Sylvia Jenstad, Star light....Star bright

"And Were There Strangers On The Beach? (A Moonlight Fantasy)"

Acrylic on canvas, 20" x 16"

This painting is slightly off the beaten track for me. It's one I painted a couple of years ago and was an attempt to portray a dream I've had many times.
In the dream, I'm walking along a deserted beach in the moonlight. Next to me is a small figure, but I am unable to turn and see exactly who it is. In the distance is a cliff surmounted by a tower (all very Freudian I know). Nothing much happens in the dream, but I always have the distinct feeling that there is something waiting for me in the tower.
I believe that the work manages to capture the mood and atmosphere of the dream quite successfully.
I have thought of doing more work like this, although fantasy/dream artwork isn't my usual subject. (Anyway, must,must,must, MUST get on with work for my exhibition first!!)