Showing posts with label flashy fing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label flashy fing. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Sleepy White Wednesday!

Well as my to brofhers have said yesterdayz. Our meowmize went crazy with the flashy fing again. I was all comfy on the couch, and here was flashy, and there was a flashy. Oh well, what's a girl to do. You can't see it in this one but I was showing off my tummy.
Anyways, meowmize really has been playing with our bloggies colors and stuff. She even changed the title color, and the lil boxes that went around it. She says she is tring to get all of our colors on it seeing we each use different colors to post. I guess my colors don't look good, or she can't find the right shade of it. Oh, what's that meowmize" you'z can't find my color on the color choice." I guess that's ok. I like the colorfulness of it. I know the boys asked yesterday, but do youz all like what meowmize has done to our bloggie? Please feel free to let us know. Well I'm off to get some morning stinky goodness. We hopes youz all have a wonderful day.- Snowy

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Shamy on the blanket!

Hi eferyonez! I fought I would do a post today and show youz part of the blankies that were on my chair. Hopefully I don't get interrupted today. As you can see I was nice and comfy laying there. Whenn the flashy box struck. As youz can see I was not to happy about it. Meowmize only took two, but with the flashy that was two to many. Anyways, meowmize and the dadz have been talking about somefing called Bike week. I finks they are only leaving for two days. the I hear the dadz saying somefing that one of our Uncle's is going to be coming to visitz us. I hopes he is vury nice like our to adopted Auntz in North Carolina. We really miss themz, and so does our meowmize. She calls them her adopted family. Because they treated her like one. Well, I'm off to go nap. Hopez eferyonez has a wonderfull day. Oh, Sia and me are going to do a MEME together tomorrow. So this should be fun furz us to do.
I also want to say "Hi" to my sweet Emily. I hopes youz and your family are doing well. ....Shamy