Showing posts with label border collie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label border collie. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

WIP - Border Collie

WIP - Border Collie
4"x6" watercolor on Arches HP paper

I'm here, I'm here!...
I've just been trying to finish off my Christmas commissions, which I can't post until later, and I have very little 'extra' painting time, which explains my lack of blogging activity.
This WIP (work in progress) piece is a small collie painting, watercolor. Lovely happy girl (sorry about the lack of eyes...). It may be available, I have one customer who is waiting for the final before they commit to the purchase, so check back in the next few days to see the finished piece.
I am also starting another cat painting, and I hope to have it up on ebay by the end of the week. I would like to be faster, but I still have my Christmas shopping to do!!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Day's End

"Day's End" 4"x6" Coloured Pencil on Pastelboard, varnished
I had watched this lovely border collie at a local horse show. He belong to the show organizer. On the go throughout the day, he was her shadow, always ready to help out when he could. I finally caught him when he settled in for a nap, in a freshly dug depression under the steward's chair!
'Day's End' was created in January of this year and displayed the 2008 Art Show at the Dog Show (Kansas City). It is done in coloured pencil and varnished so it can be framed without glass.
This artwork has been entered into "Helping Paws" an online art show put on by the Canine Art Guild. A percentage of every sale will be donated to an animal charity.
'Day's End' will be available for purchase on October 1st. The list price is $175.00 (plus shipping) and 50% of that will be donated to the Border Collie Rescue Ontario.