Showing posts with label Upper Michigan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Upper Michigan. Show all posts

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Quinnesec, Michigan's Fumee Falls...12"x 9" oil Plein Air

Such a gorgeous day, and needed to do our
monthly grocery headed toward
Iron Mountain, MI...this afternoon. That's how
it is living in the north woods, about an hour to
shop a decent grocery, figured I'd
take my gear, stop and paint a plein air of
Fumee Falls, check out other possible paint
sites on the way.

This time of year, winter's snow melt adds to
the volume of run off or water supply, and
creeks, rivers are swollen. Best time to visit
the falls one is familiar with to paint.

My painting was photographed outdoors in light
and unfortunately I have glare, so will reshoot
it tomorrow during the day and repost...but I
think turned out pretty good.

Here was my set up...and the falls I was
looking at when I started out-

...and of course, what makes plein air fun
and challenging is that in short time, the
light shifts, moves...and you have a
completely different scene there in front
of you that now works as a reference
only, but the impression has to be locked
in the mind to finish up...

I started with a midgray mother color or
pigment soup...mixing up a gray and then
dragging a bit of that gray into each of my
colors to imbue a common color harmony.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Yellow Dog Falls...5"x 9" gouache...

5"x 9" gouache on black drawing paper (heavy)

Painted tonight, and you'll see my set up here which 
is making my foree into gouache convenient and 
enjoyable, (clicking on image brings up larger view)-

I've painted with oils predominantly the past 15 years, 
acrylics the 17 years before that...but what makes 
gouache nice is the casual setting mess to speak  
of, ease to clean up, and no smells.  Ordinarily I'd be  
painting outdoors with oils or in my art  
I can spend time with my wife, and enjoy some television  
or movie...though I more or less listen and see little by 
comparison of my painting, naturally.

The paintbox is one of several Guerrilla plein air boxes 
I have...

and...if you'd like to see a three second interval gif 
animation of this painting start to finish, follow my link to 
my thread at ... Yellow Dog Falls...

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Quinnesec, Michigan's Fumee Falls...6"x 8" gouache

Finished this of my favorite snow on the way out sites to visit to set up and paint on location, as the volume of water makes this falls impressive...

This one done in the comfort of my home however...and early signs of spring yet a long way off...

clicking on image brings up larger view, and...for those interested, you can see a stage by stage animation of this one from start to finish at Wetcanvas... Fumee Falls...gouach animation

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Fall Upper Michigan McClure Basin Plein Air oil

Spent the night at our cabin last night, this
afternoon my brother-in-law joined me and we
went about closing up our cabin for the winter.
Of course, I had to bring my paint box, and
had time to paint a small plein air sitting
at our dock looking across the basin...

5"x 7" oil on pumice panel-

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Sunset Point- Plein air oil painting ...Marquette, MI

11"x 14" oil on board (click image to see larger)

Spent several days at our cabin in the Negaunee/
Marquette upper Michigan area, and had to of course
get a bit of painting in. Spent an afternoon before a
threatening thunderstorm getting this one in, along
the western shores of Marquette's Presque Isle Park.

Here's your truly positioned on the edge of one rock
bluff paintin' away!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Piers Gorge and Long Slide Falls plein air oil paintings

Spent an enjoyable day today climbing rocks, taking in
great views...and painting on location in NE Wisconsin
and Upper Michigan...

First is Piers Gorge...the Menomonee River which upper
Michigan and Wisconsin share on their borders...

12"x 12" oil

Then packed up my gear, hiked out and drove south
toward Pembine, Wisconsin to Morgan Park...where
I found Long Slide Falls...

A bit of hike down to this lovely falls...

setup...and painted this 9"x 12" oil study of one part
of the falls..

Sunday, September 23, 2007

2 plein air weekend, UP Michigan...Lake Superior

It was a most gorgeous weekend in Michigan's Upper our cabin, and along the shores of Lake

The first is a 7"x 12" oil...on birch panel

this second, done this morning along the northeastern
rocky shores of Presque Isle, just north and part of
Marquette, Michigan...

...a 9"x 12" oil on primed birch panel...

Click on the paintings to see a larger image view

Friday, August 17, 2007

Two Plein Airs from Upper Michigan...this week

Had the pleasure of spending this week at our cabin just
15 minutes from the Marquette, Michigan area. A bit of
fishing, relaxing...and painting. Set up for this first painting
alongside our sauna, looking out over our dock, to the
West...the sun working its way down to end the day.

Also got to try out my new larger tri-focal glasses, which
I ordered to give my eyes better UV protection. As you can
see from this painting, I tend to paint often looking toward
the sun. Backlit subjects especially appeal to me...but the
possible damage from the sun is very real. Took a bit of
working with them to get used to them...reading glasses
from about midway down the lens, and clear above to see
out and over my easel. My encouragement goes out to
painters everywhere that paint outdoors, to seriously
consider getting a pair of glasses with UV coating to
protect your eyes. Even if you don't need them for seeing,
get clear glass with UV coating if need be.

First one... 8"x 10" oil...

This one I tried out a new panel available from French
Canvas...a hardboard or masonite panel with canvas
adhered. Very nicely made...

on the west shores of Presque Isle of Marquette, looking
14"x 18" oil

I used a modified palette...choosing to mix a midgray
neutral mud palette blockin of the masses, and then a
pigment soup or "mother color" that I pulled by some
degree into all my colors to imbue a natural working
color harmony.

I chose my mother color to be yellow-green, and a bit
of this then mixed into every color.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Upper Michigan...Plein Air Oil Paintings- Presque Isle East Shore

Had a great time staying at our family cabin near Marquette,
and made sure I did a number of paintings...which I'll share

9"x 12" oil

This view (above) is looking down the east shore of Presque
Isle Park along Lake Superior south toward Marquette (upper)
Michigan...and here a pic of me standing on a tall rock bluff

9"x 12" oil

This view (above) is on the west side of Presque Isle,
again looking south toward Marquette...and I used a mid
gray neutral/mud block in approach as I did with the
first painting.

(Below) 11"x 14" oil on canvas-

When I arrived, I brought full rain gear, intending
to it was gray, drizzling and one can do
so with oils. As it turned out, about ten minutes after
setting up, the skies cleared and I had a gorgeous
backlit sunlight to inspire me. I used a split-comp
palette of blue-green (my dominant) and the splits
red and orange. Used a bit of gut hunch augmenting
as well...

Finally...this last one, another 11"x 14" oil on one of my favorite upper Michigan
haunts for fishing and painting. The Yellow Dog
river...and a lovely series of falls...this one of
the grand, "Bull Falls"....

all works are available for purchase, and if
interested please contact me to discuss and
work out details.... on any of the painting images to see
a larger version

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Three Painted on Memorial Day...Upper Michigan plein airs

Drove to Quinnesec, Michigan yesterday...and painted a quick
5"x 7" study of Fumee Falls while waiting for the sun to position
to a more ideal light...then did a larger 9"x 12"

this 5"x 7" now available on sale on my "Will Paint for Gas! blog

Then I drove to the Piers Gorge, a channel of rapids and
intimidating gorge rocks of the Menominee River that
separates Wisconsin from upper Michigan, that rafters
love to traverse, but I never made it quite to the gorge.
Found this spot to be lovely in its own right...and
another 9"x 12" oil...

available at Moondeer & Friends Gallery-
(Boulder Junction, WI)

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Three Plein Air oil Upper Michigan

Managed to get three gesturals done over
the weekend in upper Michigan...focusing
on simplicity, and essential effective
brushwork. Painted on location...I am
calling them "gesturals" because they are
attempts to paint quicker than quick,
going after a simple statement of mood
and the moment...

all 5"x 7" oil on panel

This last one, SOLD! (Moondeer & Friends Gallery)

in interested in the pricing of these pieces,
feel free to contact me until such time as
provide additional links for them...

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Piers Gorge (series)

To see this work larger or
purchase (Click Here)

8"x 8" oil

Took my son Jason, (up from Chicago) with me
to paint once more along the Piers Gorge of
the Menomonee River in NE Wisconsin, a lovely

After setting up, I decided I wanted to attempt
the suggestion of Emille Gruppe to undertone
areas where greens are to be painted with red.
I went one step further and built up a turps
underpainting in various values of reds.

In the end I believed the effort to have a
lovely warmth and look to it.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Two From the Pier Gorge Today...

Menomonee River- 6"x 6" oil

Pier Gorge...Emptying into the first gorge
12"x 16" oil on stretched linen

Was an absolutely beautiful day in NE
Wisconsin, stunning light. One of those
days where it is such joy to be living!

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Pier Gorge

To see this work larger or
purchase (Click Here)

oil on linen 11"x 14"

Went to the far NE corner of Wisconsin and
enjoyed a lovely day painting on the Pier
Gorge of the Menomonee River. Still chilly
enough to see one's breath along the frigid
waters, but so inviting following winter!