Showing posts with label trees. Show all posts
Showing posts with label trees. Show all posts

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Ranchland - Fix It Friday!


Ranchland, 8 x 10, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2023

After this demo in a recent workshop, I looked up and immediately saw that my whole subject matter was squished into the bottom left corner of my canvas! I had been talking so much, explaining how to create distance with scale shift and atmospheric perspective, that I forgot all about my composition. 

There is a design rule that says, "Never stop your subject at the vertical OR horizontal midline. Make sure it crosses over to avoid cutting your image in HALF." Well, this ranch tree breaks that rule completely. The canvas is cut in half both vertically AND horizontally. Turns out, this was a demo on what NOT to do compositionally and a good lesson in humility for me. ;)

So, here you go, a demo do-over...




Problem - Subject matter is squished into the corner.
Fix - Made subject taller and wider to cross mid-lines of the page.

Problem: All the weight is on the bottom left.
Fix - Added two more trees along the fence line to add weight on the right. This also helps to pull the eye further into the frame.

It's a fact of life that sometimes when we are focused on one thing, we completely miss something else! This was a great reminder to stop and assess before getting too far along... whatever you are doing. And, take a do-over if you can! 

Monday, May 15, 2023

Ocean Point and Workshop Process Shots!

Ocean Point, 8x10, Oil, L. Daniel © 2023

Last week I taught a workshop in the Golden Isles of Georgia. So much fun! We spent most of our time on St. Simons Island, but on the first day we went to Jekyll Island. My students were wonderful, and this is my demo from that morning. 

For students and painting lovers everywhere, the following images illustrate and explain my process...

Starting with a mix of Ultramarine Blue and Burnt Sienna, I make a quick outline sketch. This helps me place and contain the elements of the scene I want to include on the canvas. 

With that same mix of Ultramarine and Burnt Sienna, I indicate values within those elements, keeping it thin and dry.

Working dark to light, I paint in the dark uprights in the foreground and background planes.

I mass in color and value for sky plane and ground plane. 

Once large masses of each plane are in place, I begin to break them up with subtle value shifts.

My final marks are saved for the highest highlights and finessing edges. 

Beautiful day... perfect for a little plein airing! :)

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Streams of Light - Finish It Friday!

Streams of Light, 12 x 16, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2023

Welcome to some Friday fun! Today, "FINISH IT" FRIDAY! 

Sometimes when I am out painting, I am unable to finish a piece on location. Things happen. A car parks in front of the view, a boat sails away, a storm comes up, nourishment is required, the calendar beckons... you get the picture. It can be anything! 

So... Last week I was plein air painting on the Georgia coast, and this time it was the incoming tide that shut me down! I worked as fast as I could, but finally had to pack up to avoid getting wet. I made some quick placeholders for the clouds, memorized all the shapes and colors, and brought it back to finish in the studio. 

Here is how it went from unfinished to finished... I think the final decisions are always interesting...



What I did:
1) Built out the sky according to my painted notes. 
2) Adjusted shapes, value, and color on the large masses.  
3) Pulled the elements together, paying attention to edges and transition colors.
4) Popped the highlights (always the last thing I do). 

In the final stages, I am thinking about how to make the painting flow cohesively. Some of the questions I ask myself include: Does the light agree everywhere in the scene? Does the perspective work? Does the distance recede? Does the foreground come forward? Where does the viewer's eye go? These are very helpful for determining when I am DONE! :)

2023 SPRING WORKSHOPS (click HERE for info and registration):
April 14-15 - Contemporary Austin Art School, Austin, TX (Wait list only)
May 4-6 - Anderson Fine Art Gallery in St. Simons Island, GA

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Fall Fade with Process Shots!


Fall Fade, 10 x 8, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2023
Available - Click for information 

The muted tones of fall are deliciously soft and comforting. Nature seems to be going to sleep to rest up for its spring display. I love the cycle. 

Below are some process shots...

I kept my dark underpainting very thin and sketchy.

As I added color, I toggled back and forth between the trees and sky, kind of mushing them together. I wanted to hang on to the softness and branchy-ness.  

To finish it off, I used my warmest tones and greatest contrast in the front row of trees and grasses. This added some depth. It helped push the background back and pull the foreground forward.

2023 SPRING WORKSHOPS (click here and join me):
April 14-15 - The Contemporary Austin Art School in Austin, TX (Only 1 spot left!)
May 4-6 - Anderson Fine Art Gallery in St. Simons Island, GA

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Marsh's Edge and Small Works Holiday Sale!


Marsh's Edge, 8x10, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2020

20% off with discount code MERRY2022 at checkout.
Unframed. Online (shop at home). Free shipping. 
Through December 15 only.

MANY, many thanks to all who have purchased a painting (or paintings) in this holiday season! I love sending these small gems off to new owners and there are still a few left to choose from. Sooooo... Click the sale title above and check it out!!! Great for gift giving! 

2023 SPRING WORKSHOPS (click here and join me):
April 14-15 - The Contemporary Austin Art School in Austin, TX
May 4-6 - Anderson Fine Art Gallery in St. Simons Island, GA

Monday, November 14, 2022

Stable Door - Small Works Holiday Sale!

Stable Door, 8 x 6, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2022

20% off with discount code MERRY2022 at checkout.
Unframed. Online (shop at home). Free shipping. 
Through December 15 only.

This sketchy study has an immediacy and freshness that I kind of love. It came about at the end of a plein air session, after a very full day. "Quittin' time" so to speak. But as I started to pack up my gear, nature offered up a different plan. The late afternoon light filtered down through the trees and set that little sapling aglow. It was just too pretty to leave behind. 

2023 SPRING WORKSHOPS (click here and join me):
April 14-15 - The Contemporary Austin Art School in Austin, TX
May 4-6 - Anderson Fine Art Gallery in St. Simons Island, GA

Monday, February 28, 2022

Creek Reflections

Creek Reflections, 12 x 16, oil on panel, L. Daniel

The marshlands of St. Simons have a particular draw for me... but when deep reflections are involved, I am unable to resist! The stillness, the soft ripples, the warm winter grasses... Mmmm Mmm... so delish! I am looking forward to getting back! 

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

The Road Goes on Forever - process shots (and a song!)

The Road Goes On Forever, 8 x 10, oil on panel

Today's painting title comes from a song of the same name by Texas singer-songwriter, Robert Earl Keen. It's fun to be in a concert when he sings the chorus, "the road goes on forever and the party never ends!", because EVERYONE joyfully jumps in. It's contagious!! Robert Earl announced his retirement last week... but I have to say, it's for all the right reasons. He wants to go out while he still LOVES what he is doing (not because he is sick or tired or bored). Good for him!! 

This painting is a demo from my last workshop. Throughout the painting session we all kept singing that song's refrain (well, some did, and you Texans know who you are), so I had to use it for the title. An homage.

And below... process shots... the road goes on forever... 

1) Sketched outlines of big shapes for placement, size and composition.

2) Blocked in masses of value, to indicate the planes of the landscape:
Upright plane, distant upright plane (or slant), ground plane, and sky plane.

3) Massed in best average value of greens for the uprights.
Distant uprights are cooler and more muted than foreground uprights.

4) Massed in ground plane observing color changes within the overall value.

5) Added sky plane, and included a variety of temperatures at the horizon. 
Broke up masses in each plane with highlights and lowlights. 

... and the party never ends!!! 
Thank you, Robert Earl Keen!

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Morning Stroll - Figures on Friday #11

Morning Stroll, 9 x 12, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2015

It's the week before the actual week of Christmas, and life is speeding up. Very predictably!! 'Tis truly the season, and I hope yours is wonderful.

I am in the middle of Christmas preparations and having to admit to myself that I won't be getting to the easel today. SO... my Figures on Friday offering this week is an older plein air piece from the archives. Scenes like this are what make me want to get faster at capturing human movement and gestures. When a cute little mom and her son walk by, it's just so fun to try and pop them in! :)

May your weekend be merry and bright... 

Monday, December 13, 2021

Hillside Meadows - Holiday Group Show at the Davis Gallery!

Hillside Meadows, 24 x 30, Oil on canvas, L. Daniel © 2021

Our annual holiday group show opened at the Davis Gallery this weekend. It was wonderful to be together to celebrate Art and this joyful Season of the year! If you are in or near Austin, please drop by and see the work! Here are the details:

"Together Again" 
Winter Group Show - Davis Gallery
834 W. 12th Street, Austin, TX
On Display through January 9, 2022

Lovely turn out throughout the afternoon... 

Mobley, the Art Cat, kept watch over the proceedings. :)

Christmas music topped off the festivities! 

Monday, November 29, 2021

Tree Line Vista with Process Shots!

Tree Line Vista, 8 x 10, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2021
Available - Click for info

Today's painting is one of my demos from the last workshop I taught in Georgia. We had a beautiful time in spite of overcast skies, unseasonably cold weather, and lots of rainy surprises. My students were troopers and kept their focus through it all. Most importantly, they encouraged each other and made it all fun, which is always the most important ingredient!!

Below is a step-by-step explanation of how this painting came together... 

1) Painted loose outline to position subject on the canvas 
(used burnt sienna and ultramarine).

2) Blocked in masses and value hierarchy within the scene 
(still used only burnt sienna and ultramarine).

3) Massed in upright planes in foreground and background. 

4) Toned ground plane to pick up some warm colors of the marsh.

5) Massed in ground plane, muting and cooling it as it goes back to distant upright.

6) Massed in sky plane, observing transitions of temperature and value. 

7) Made final highlights, refining shapes and edges. (I did not love that big gap in the middle of the trees, so closing that up was part of the refining process.) 

The view from my easel.

Part of the gang, hard at work! Thanks, guys! 

Monday, October 18, 2021

Leaning In and Process Shots!


Leaning In, 8 x 10, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2021

This piece was one of my workshop demos from this past spring. We gathered on Lake Austin on a bit of an overcast day, and this leaning tree drew me in. I loved the way it was curtsying into the lake and how the reflections continued that graceful dipping movement.

The following photos show how this painting came together... 

Block-in using dark neutral mix of ultramarine and burnt sienna.

Added color to upright planes, adjusting value as each recedes into distance.

Added sky plane and ground plane (including water which is ground plane.)

Add final details and spectral highlights at the very end.

Just getting started with block-in... using a light and loose touch.

Join me at my last workshop of the year! Three day Art Immersion!
Register with Mary Anderson 912-634-8414, Or click below for info:

Monday, October 11, 2021

Precious Day

Precious Day, 8 x 10, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2021

There are some days we wish could last forever. This past Saturday would be one of those. Two dear artist friends invited our painting group to paint at their lakeside home, and to help them close up their art studio before they move away. It was a wonderful time... a celebration of who they are and their creativity in that magical place, a reunion of new and old friends, a passing of the torch as supplies were entrusted into new hands, and a last painting hurrah! 

What an honor to be included in this bittersweet farewell! Precious day, and precious heart memories. Thank you, Charles and Carole - Love you both!

Happy, happy!

Casita Studio in the woods. 
(Many thanks to Laura Barrow for photos!)

One of many gorgeous views of Lake Travis and "Sometimes Island".
(Sometimes it's there, sometimes it's not. Depends on the rain.)

Join me at my last workshop of the year! 
Register with Mary Anderson 912-634-8414, Or click below for info: