Showing posts with label waterfall. Show all posts
Showing posts with label waterfall. Show all posts

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Tumbling Falls

Tumbling Falls, 12 x 9, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2012

Summer is officially over and we are actually experiencing some cooler temperatures here in Austin! Mornings have been especially delightful and I've celebrated with paintbrush in hand! This waterfall is in a quiet corner of Zilker Botanical Garden and it's a pretty peaceful place to paint.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Painting Included in fall issue of Plein Air Magazine!! WOO HOO!

High Falls, L. Daniel, 12 x 12

The Fall 2011 issue of Plein Air Magazine has an article about the Publisher's Invitational that took place in the Adirondacks this summer, and this painting of mine is included in the story! What a thrill it was to open the pages and see it there (I'm not going to lie, I bought several copies!) The magazine is available at Barnes and Noble in the art section. Go check it out! And thanks for letting me share the good news!

Artist friends: this week I will be attending the Weekend with the Masters in Monterey, CA. If any of you are going to be there, please contact me. It would be fun to meet up!

My dear painting buddy, Carol Marine, has lost her home, studio and everything inside to the Texas wildfires. Many of you know Carol and would like to help out. The above link will take you to a fundraiser help the Marine family get back on their feet. All donations will go directly to them. Please keep central Texas in your thoughts and prayers. 

Sunday, July 3, 2011

High Falls - Adirondack Trip

High Falls, L. Daniel, 12 x 12

Hiking down in to this falls was well worth the effort. When I stepped into the clearing and caught my first view, I absolutely squealed with delight. It's sheer power was evidenced by the roaring, gushing water and the misty overspray; completely enveloping everything in the vicinity. It is a truly awesome place. (see picture below)

In other news - Many thanks to Raymond Logan for reviewing my work in his "Daily Painter Review" blog. Please check it out and see some of his other reviews at the same time! Thank you, Raymond!!!!!

This is me painting the waterfall - picture by Maria Amor (thanks, Maria!)

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Rio Vista Rapids

Rio Vista Rapids, L. Daniel, 12 x 16

Today our painting group met up on the San Marcos River, where the water is still flowing in spite of the drought we are having. It's a great place for tubing and kayaking and just staying cool in the heat. Lots of moms were there with their kids enjoying the glad freedom of summer.

AND, I got the funniest plein air comment yet...
While I was painting, a little girl named Amanda came over to watch. After awhile she announced, "I am going to be a painter when I grow up, too. I am going to practice and practice and when I get good enough to make a painting like this I am going to give it to you!" Then she thought about that for a minute and added, "that is, if you are still alive... But if you're not, don't worry, I will just put it on your grave." 

True story... And I took it as a compliment! :)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Upper Falls Flowing

Upper Falls Flowing (enlarged from a plein air piece), L. Daniel, 18 x 36

I have been seriously "Missing In Action" for the last couple of weeks; completely consumed with changing and updating my website. It took way more time than I expected but I am very excited with the results! My new one displays way more artwork and is much easier to keep updated, so it was well worth it. Please check it out: - and sign up for the newsletter while you are there. (I promise I won't send many... just occasional show announcements and updates.) 

Now I can get happily back to painting!! :)