Monday, April 28, 2008

Day 4 1/2 of 21

©Kathleen Rietz
I can't stop drawing. Time to buy a new sketchbook.

Illustration Friday - "Wrinkles"

©Kathleen Rietz "Paisley"
Some of you have seen this illustration already. I posted it last year. I have since culled my children's illustration portfolio and am focusing on my whimsical style. I still get a lot of requests for work in my realistic style, especially pencil work such as this illustration of "Paisley" the pug.

Day 4 of 21 - "Duck & Cover"

©Kathleen Rietz

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Day 3 of, duck, duck, goose!

©Kathleen Rietz
I went over 15 minutes today...lost track of time. Gotta love webbed feet!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Day 2 of 21

©Kathleen Rietz
Yuck, I'm not liking the rough watercolor paper. Not happy with this, but posting it. It was supposed to be part of a triptych for "hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil", but this is the only one even worth posting. Yech!

Day 2 of the 21 Day Challenge to create every day.

This is better...
©Kathleen Rietz
Trying a new angle..

Friday, April 25, 2008

Day 1 of 21

©Kathleen Rietz
I was invited by Alicia Padron and Gina Perry to participate in a 21 day challenge. The challenge is to create for 15 minutes every day. The idea is to try something new, whether it be to use a medium that you are not accustomed to, employ a challenging angle or perspective, draw characters you do not normally draw, work more loosely and spontaneously...basically to push the boundaries of your creativity and shake out of whatever rut you are in. For me, I actually started doing this in February. I have tried to develop a style of children's illustration that I like for myself and to loosen up a bit. But most of my work is done in a sketchbook, and I find that my colors often turn out muddy because the paper is really not meant for wet media. So I am going to try experimenting with other paper and board and "get out of my sketchbook" a little more.

I drew this sketch of Sunshine a few nights ago. Today I added watercolor washes to it as loosely and quickly as I could, just letting my brushstrokes show and being "okay" with the brushstrokes. I often think things like brushstrokes add character to an illustration, but I used to try to control my illustrations too much. So I am trying to break old habits.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


©Kathleen Rietz
Sometimes I wish I were a mom. I am working on an assignment and one of the themes is motherhood. So I am drawing all of these moms holding and caressing their young children, and it creates a yearning inside of me. I wonder what the future will hold...?

off to bed...

©Kathleen Rietz, goodnite sweet pup...

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Illustration Friday - "Primitive"

©Kathleen Rietz
Carly thought Aunt Ruth with her record player and her collection of Beatles records was SOOOOOO primitive! Her little friend Sally couldn't have agreed more.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Such a Sweet Girl!

©Kathleen Rietz
This little "time out" sketch is dedicated to fellow blogger Diana Evans who loves eating cupcakes and making jewelry! What a "sweet" girl! Visit her blog today!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Illustration Friday - "Fail" #2

©Kathleen Rietz
Here is the color version of the sketch I did for the topic "Fail" for Illustration Friday. The sketch is in the previous post.

Friday, April 11, 2008

A Living Gem

All photos ©Kathleen Rietz
I was washing and eating strawberries at the kitchen sink yesterday. I reached for this big, red strawberry and turned to wash it when I noticed a snail shell attached to the tip of it, like a perfect little pearl. I lost my appetite for the strawberries, but reached for my camera because I just had to share it with you. I was ready to put away my camera when I noticed that the snail was still living!

Welcome Spring! #2

"Spring Dance" ©Kathleen Rietz
"The Cat's Meow" ©Kathleen Rietz

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Welcome Spring!

"Butterfly Dance" ©Kathleen Rietz
I am actually working on a series (in my mind), and this is the first painting. Busy busy busy week, so I am not sure if it will only be a series of one! ; ) Is there such a thing?
I did not feel like writing tonite, but I stole some sleep time to paint a little.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Ode To Summer...

©Kathleen Rietz
It can't get here fast enough for me!

Friday, April 04, 2008

Illustration Friday - "Save"

©Kathleen Rietz
Grandma is saving those calories for fresh apple pie tonite. Her workout buddies will then become her dessert buddies!
This week's illustration is dedicated to fellow blogger Roberta Baird, whose suggestions made this illustration even bettter!
Another sketchbook entry this week. I would love to start taking my illustrations to color again. But it is nice to have a lot of paying jobs right now. I'll find time for color again. It's just nice to be able to squeeze in some sketching time (even if it is in the middle of the night!).

Workout Buddies

©Kathleen Rietz
Everyone needs a little motivation..

Thursday, April 03, 2008

My Website Update

©Kathleen Rietz
If you haven't checked out my website lately, DO! I update at least weekly, and I feel as though it is finally really coming together and representing who I am as an artist. I have weeded out a lot of artwork that, while very nice, does not represent my current goals. I would really like your feedback, of course. Don't be shy...

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Rainy Days

©Kathleen Rietz
Someone's day isn't starting out so good... Mine is, though! I got to do a little sketching before I head off to work at the chiropractic clinic today.. : )