Showing posts with label Drawing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Drawing. Show all posts

Thursday, February 02, 2012

Groundhog's Day Coloring Page

Enjoy your FREE downloadable Groundhog's Day coloring page, featuring a scene from the book "Prairie Storms", written by Darcy Pattison, illustrated by me, and published by Sylvan Dell Publishing.

If you have not checked out my website in a while, click HERE.  There, you can find more coloring pages and check out books I have illustrated, as well as new books coming out in 2012.  You can also "like" the "Prairie Storms" fan page on Facebook.

Monday, August 22, 2011

New Coloring Page...FREE!

Feel free to click the pic to download my latest Prairie Storms coloring page!  In this scene, we see a cougar taking refuge from a chilly, November hail storm.

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Read a NEW Interview with Yours Truly!

I was interviewed by writer Karin Cameron over at her blog, "Karin Won't Stop Talking".  Go take a look and find out how I got my start as an artist and children's illustrator, and what advice I can give to others in the biz.  Be sure to leave a comment and tell Karin you stopped by.  She is a marvelous host and an awesome writer.
Here is a rough sketch I made for the upcoming book "Prairie Storms", due out in August 2011!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Farm Animals

I have completed 5 children's books this year: 2 trade publications and 3 readers. I am about to begin illustrating a coloring book, which will accompany the successful book "The ABCs of Yoga for Kids", which was released this past March. I decided to begin adding black line art images to my portfolio a while back, and hope to pick up more work illustrating coloring books. It's a nice change of pace, since there are no colors to be concerned with, but rather I can focus on line weight and have fun just drawing. Right now I am working on a series of farm animals. I have added several new updates to my website, mainly in my illustration portfolios, so be sure to check it out.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Illustration Friday - "Fleeting"

© Kathleen Rietz
Childhood is fleeting - hold fast to your memories and don't let go.

Monday, December 08, 2008

Winter Sketch

I really enjoyed the "21 Day Challenge" I participated in with fellow illustration bloggers earlier this year, and so tonite I decided to sketch in my sketchbook - a quickie....maybe 10 minutes while I talked with my sister on the phone. I hope to get back to another "21 Day Challenge" after the holidays. Anyone out there care to join me? (You can scroll down and click on the "21 Day Challenge" tag under the "View By Group" list on the right hand side of my blog to see drawings and paintings from the 21 Day Challenge). I also would like to work some of the sketches into paintings to add to my portfolio.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Illustration Friday - "Balloons"

I am busy working on the illustrations for a children's book this weekend, but I had this idea in my head and I wanted to see what it might look like on paper...

©Kathleen Rietz

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Happy Bloggiversary, Little Blog!

Today marks 2 years that this blog of mine has been in existence! Yay! I wanted to say a big THANK YOU to all who have stopped to visit - even you "lurkers" out there - and especially those of you who come by regularly and leave comments. I have 'virtually' met so many other incredible artists and talented people. You all inspire me and at times encourage me, and it's been a lot of fun. I have even met some of you in person, and have made some friends. So....THANKS!!

Earlier this week I launched another blog, "A Moleskine Journal". Those of you who visit regularly know that I am under contract for 2 children's books at the moment, and now I am negotiating a 3rd contract. As funny as it may sound, I sort of needed a creative escape from the children's book illustrations (read as 'art therapy'), and have found that escape in setting up still lifes (or single objects) in my kitchen or studio and drawing from life. I even added a section of this work to my website. It's been fun to tap into a skill I have not exercised in a while. Here is what I worked on tonite in my kitchen:

Maybe tomorrow I will add some garlic...

Monday, October 13, 2008

Glazed Bowl

©Kathleen Rietz
Hhhhmmmm....I'm thinking need to put these on a seperate "moleskine" blog....

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Sketch Buddies

One of the last warm afternoons of September, my friend Joan and I took our sketchbooks to Starbucks and spent a couple of hours sketching and getting caffienated. Later that night I bought my first Moleskine, and what a difference (as you can see here)! Joan's drawing convinced me to give one a try. My sketchbook paper had too much "tooth". I was not very happy with my sketches during this session.

The pencil sharpeners are actually ones I still had from when I was in gradeschool!

Joan drew my purse. You can see more of her drawings here.

Saturday, October 04, 2008


©Kathleen Rietz my moleskine....I am finally "okay" with the fact that I am very VERY diverse as an artist. I enjoy a quiet evening lost in my new moleskine as much as I enjoy drawing whimsical images of children in my "children's book" style. I also enjoy cutting stained glass and grouting to create my own mosaic projects, primitive silversmithing, and creating textile patterns on my computer in Photoshop. Go figure. I always thought I had to pick one and skill/style and stick with it to create a "brand" for myself. But I don't care anymore, really. This blog is to showcase my creativity APART from my professional website, so this is what I drew last night and wanted to post today. : )

Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Moleskine

©Kathleen Rietz
©Kathleen Rietz
©Kathleen Rietz

Fellow blogger and good friend Joan Yoshioka has been visiting from Hawaii and staying at my home in Chicagoland. We have so much to post has been a vacation of sorts for us both. But tonite I am finishing up some sketches for the children's yoga book I am illustrating, so we are taking a little break from our adventures.

Today was grey and cold...the first real nip of autumn in the air. I bought this Moleskine sketchbook last night while we were out, and today we decided to have an afternoon of sketching at my kitchen table. Now I understand why artists become obsessed with their Moleskines....they are just so "different" from any other sketchbooks out there. It was nice just to do some sketching, free of deadlines and pressure. I guess there is still this fine artist living inside of me, set free on the pages of her new Moleskine.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Illustration Friday - "Packed"

Always good to read lables to see what kind of nutrients are packed into your food.
(This is another educational illustration I drew for a client earlier this year. About half of my work is this type. It certainly helps to pay the bills and I must admit that sometimes it is fun to work in graphite.)

Monday, September 22, 2008

Illustration Friday - "Clique" & "Little Black Ant" book cover!!!

Here are examples of "cliques"....these 3 pencil illustrations were educational illustrations I did for a publisher earlier this year.

Please also take a look at the last illustration...I just recieved this catalog image sample of the book cover I illustrated for the Soundprints book "Little Black Ant on Park Street"!!! This is the book that will be sold through the Smithsonian Institution. I am thrilled. I worked all weekend on the thumbnails for the inside illustrations. I am trying to get a file of the entire cover layout, since the illustration actually wraps around the front and back cover.

All of these illustrations showcase my "soft realistic" style. I am also working on a book in my "whimsical" style, which many of you are probably more familiar with. I will post illustratiosn from that upcoming book, too, as soon as I am able.

"Little Black Ant on Park Street" will be released in the spring of 2009, published by Soundprints.

Friday, September 05, 2008

Illustration Friday - "Clutter"

Here is an illustration I drew for a classroom textbook assignment earlier this year.

If you haven't read my new article in the SCBWI-IL's The Prairie Wind, click here. It's all about surviving the dreaded professional "dry spell" freelancers face. I am now officially a regular contributor to "Illustrator Tips".

Friday, August 29, 2008

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

This Little Piggy

I couldn't help myself. I haven't sketched anything lately that isn't related to the books I am illustrating. I sort of miss doing a sketch a day, like I did last winter. Last night I was thinking about babies and how soft and sweet their little bedclothes and toys are. And so I started wanting to do some doodles of plush baby toys and clothes. I think there is a part of my brain that also misses being a product developer/designer, which I have done for nearly 20 years. So I thought I would grab a moment and allow myself to doodle a little plush piggy. Just wanted to share.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Illustration Friday - "Detach"

Shawna was detached from reality on weekends when she found solace in food and television.
(Sorry about the big "©" symbols on the illustration, but this illustration is one in an educational series I did for a publisher earlier this year and is copyright protected.)
I am working on illustrating 2 picture books now (yay!) and writing my 3rd article for the SCBWI-IL e-newsletter, so I haven't been blogging much nor visiting my favorite blogs like I would like to be able to do. I miss everyone! I promise I will post updates and artwork from the books as I am able.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

studies of a young boy & Goldilocks

©Kathleen Rietz©Kathleen Rietz
Samples for a possible new client©Kathleen Rietz