Showing posts with label emotions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label emotions. Show all posts

Saturday, July 09, 2011

Illustration Friday: "Stay"

True friends stay with you through life's ups and downs.

We all need encouragement to stay the course at times.  Find out how Champ's friends encourage her during her battle with cancer in the book I illustrated, Champ's Story: Dogs Get Cancer Too!, written by Sherry North and published by Sylvan Dell.  And watch for my latest book, Prairie Storms, to be released in August.  To see previews of the book, check out my website.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Become a fan of "Champ's Story" on Facebook!

You can now join the "Champ's Story: Dogs Get Cancer Too!" fan page on Facebook.  Just click HERE, and the click the "Like" button at the top of the fan page.  Post your stories about the book, photos of your child reading the book, your own stories about how cancer has touched the life of you, your child or a pet.  I hope you enjoy this new way to interact with the publisher, author Sherry North, illustrator (me), and other fans of the book.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Something New...

Only 4 more spreads to complete for "Champ's Story: Dogs Get Cancer Too!".

I promise, the book has a happy "twist" at the end! Get the book, and you'll see what I mean!

See more of my artwork for the book by visiting my website. Thanks!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Illustration Friday - "Clumsy"

From my latest children's book illustration project, titled "Champ's Story: Dogs Get Cancer Too!", written by Sherry North, and coming in 2010 from Sylvan Dell Publishing.

Saturday, July 04, 2009


© Kathleen Rietz
As you celebrate Independence Day 2009, please remember our soldiers and their families who miss them.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Illustration Friday - "Breezy"

I will be so happy when I feel warm breezes on my face again. Winter in Chicago is much too long.
EDITOR'S NOTE: My latest illustrated children's book "The ABCs of Yoga for Kids" is now available for purchase! If you buy the book and want it SIGNED, pls specify in the comment box when you order that you were referred by me and that you would like the book signed. I will be signing books in L.A. at the end of March and your book will ship out then. Click the book icon on the upper right corner of my blog to order the book now. Thanks!!

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Hope Floats

We can all relax and breath again now that the election is over! Yay!!
(another illustration from the book I am currently illustrating, "The ABC's of Yoga for Kids" by author Teresa Anne Power.)

Friday, October 24, 2008

illustration Friday - "Repair"

©Kathleen Rietz
Sometimes the best way to repair a broken heart is with a smile and a hug.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Illustration Friday - "Clique" & "Little Black Ant" book cover!!!

Here are examples of "cliques"....these 3 pencil illustrations were educational illustrations I did for a publisher earlier this year.

Please also take a look at the last illustration...I just recieved this catalog image sample of the book cover I illustrated for the Soundprints book "Little Black Ant on Park Street"!!! This is the book that will be sold through the Smithsonian Institution. I am thrilled. I worked all weekend on the thumbnails for the inside illustrations. I am trying to get a file of the entire cover layout, since the illustration actually wraps around the front and back cover.

All of these illustrations showcase my "soft realistic" style. I am also working on a book in my "whimsical" style, which many of you are probably more familiar with. I will post illustratiosn from that upcoming book, too, as soon as I am able.

"Little Black Ant on Park Street" will be released in the spring of 2009, published by Soundprints.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Illustration Friday - "Detach"

Shawna was detached from reality on weekends when she found solace in food and television.
(Sorry about the big "©" symbols on the illustration, but this illustration is one in an educational series I did for a publisher earlier this year and is copyright protected.)
I am working on illustrating 2 picture books now (yay!) and writing my 3rd article for the SCBWI-IL e-newsletter, so I haven't been blogging much nor visiting my favorite blogs like I would like to be able to do. I miss everyone! I promise I will post updates and artwork from the books as I am able.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A Northern Girl Heads South

Before I tell you about my 1600+ mile adventure last week, let me first offer some background.

There was so much good news brewing that I could not wait to announce on my blog at the beginning of July. On July 1st, I was awarded a children's book project, illustrating an "ABC's of yoga" book. Less than 48 hours later, the book project was shelved (no pun intended). Then on July 4th, I was involved in an auto accident which flung me around my vehicle like a rag doll. The other motorist was not looking at all where he was going, all the while accelerating at a moderate speed through a parking lot and into the side of my vehicle. I was taken to the emergency room, and my red Honda CR-V was towed to a lot full of crumpled metal carcasses. I suffered no broken bones, but a broken spirit. My weekend was spent at home with ice packs and Advil. The only fireworks I saw were over the tree tops outside of my second story bedroom window. And my car was totaled.

The next 2 weeks were spent making trips to the chiropractor's office and on the phone with 2 insurance companies. It was 6 days before I could even get a rental car!

My friend Pam, whom I met in Sophmore year English class in high school and always manages to keep me laughing, invited me to ride along with her and her 2 kids to visit family in Alabama. She has invited me to tag along with them in the past, but since I average one vacation a decade (literally), a vacation with kids has never really appealed to me. Greece or the south of France sounded a bit more appealing, but Alabama was calling, and this time I answered. After lots of advice from my chiropractor, who agreed some time away would be good for my mind, I packed my suitcase and 24 hours later Pam was throwing it in the back of a rental car and we were heading south.

The landscape is vastly different from the cornfields and farmlands we drove through in Illinois. The roads are cut right into the mountain rock.

Fresh air and a fresh perspective.

Happiness = Pam and her son Matthew, and me in the middle. Matthew is 7 and into all venemous creatures. He will tell you all you ever wanted to know about scorpions and black widow spiders. Pam's daughter Jordan (not pictured) is 8, and into being "rich and famous" one day, and loves Miley Sirus.

I do wish I had captured more of this day in the country. I had forgotten my camera most of the day.

We drove up to Lookout Mountain for the view and to look at all of the beautiful homes built into the rock.

A dramatic sunset...

Now onto the "other" part of our vacation, one I find horribly sad.

Pam's sister Peggy found these puppies near a cardboard box, abandoned on the side of the road near the woods. I am not a member of PETA, nor do I think animals should receive the same rights as humans, but please people, be responsible and spay or neuter your pets! And if you do not want to shell out the money to do that, don't get a pet and then throw out the offspring when you don't want them. Animals are intelligent and do have feelings. These puppies were covered with ticks and fleas, were weak and hungry and dehydrated. The stray population is enormous in Alabama, where many people do not want to spend the nominal fee to have a simple procedure done to ensure their pets will not reproduce and overpopulate.

"Cookie" was the strongest, and 2 days after we rescued her, she acted like a normal little puppy.

"Shadow" looks sad in this picture. But she also is doing well now and is still recovering from the ticks and can see the scars on her chest and face and tummy.

"Sweetie".....did not make it. You can see the bites all over her body. She suffered mange, and likely anemia due to blood loss from the parasites. Animal Control took her from us and euthanised her. I still wonder if we could have saved her after seeing how well her sisters bounced back. It makes me cry, really.

We spent much of trip caring for the puppies and emailing and phoning friends back in Illinois to see if anyone wanted a puppy. I am happy to say that Cookie and Shadow were both placed in happy homes with nice families.

One of the best parts of the whole trip was actually the driving. While flying seems so much more convenient, I loved seeing parts of the country I have never seen before, stopping off for ice cream and coffee and sodas in small towns I will probably never see again. It was a very good trip.

Monday, July 07, 2008


©Kathleen Rietz
Yes friends, I will do it in color.... : )

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Illustration Friday - "Hoard"

©Kathleen Rietz
Hoarding flowers, hoarding summer.
This was my uninspired attempt at Illustration Friday this week. I have been very busy with many new projects which I cannot talk about right now....they are TOP SECRET....ssshhhhh...been in the works for months and I do hope to have some news to post soon.
It's hard to break away and do anything for Illustration Friday, but I love summer and all I could think about was how happy I feel when I am surrounded by warm breezes and fragrant flowers. I have been trying to relax more lately, despite all of the new goings-on in my life. I quit my job at the chiropractic clinic. The staff at the clinic drove out to a Korean BBQ restaurant for dinner near my house and I met the new girls. We had a great time, and they gave me a gift card for a massage. I am still going to the clinic for my treatments, but this time it is nice to be the patient instead of taking care of people.
I have one more art class to teach this summer. It has been wonderful, and I think my students are learning so much I wish I had been taught at their age! I will miss teaching and I will miss most of my students.....but maybe I will teach again.
Okay, that's all I can say for now. Happy summer everyone!!! Don't forget to stop and smell the flowers.

EDIT: The color version is right here!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

She's an "emotional" girl...

©Kathleen Rietz
Trying out more emotions...this time on one character. Not always easy to do.