Showing posts with label Tiananmen Square. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tiananmen Square. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Forgetting Tiananmen Square

It's been 25 years, and three new books consider how it has been suppressed.  If you're in a hurry, you can jot down the titles of the books and take a look later:
  • The People’s Republic of Amnesia: Tiananmen Revisited, by Louisa Lim, OUP USA
  • Tiananmen Exiles: Voices of the Struggle for Democracy in China, by Rowena Xiaoqing He, Palgrave Macmillan
  • Age of Ambition: Chasing Fortune, Truth and Faith in the New China, by Evan Osnos, Bodley Head
Well, here we're not forgetting!  Please take a look at:
25 years ago I was only a child watching the news on TV, and from that year I remember two overwhelming feelings that were so intense that they probably shaped my adult take on foreign relations more than I realize: 1989 was defined by the joy of the fall of the Berlin Wall with all its jubilant crowds ... and the absolute, stomach-churning horror of Tiananmen Square.  God, what kind of monstrous, despicable, (what the hell, let's use the word and call a spade a spade) evil government sends its tanks and troops to mow down unarmed students?  And you wonder why I practically have an allergic reaction to people saying that Taiwan should be part of China. 

UPDATE: The Onion nails it again.

Friday, October 09, 2009

Meet Tiananmen Survivor Fang Zheng

After losing both his legs when a tank ran over him in Tiananmen Square, former student and star athlete Fang Zheng spent 20 years in China being further harassed by the government. Now he is safely in the US and has received prosthetic legs. His first act after physical therapy and learning how to walk again? He danced with his wife.

*There is something in my eye!*

Welcome, sir, and best wishes for a better future.