Showing posts with label grad school. Show all posts
Showing posts with label grad school. Show all posts

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Nerd Fun: Hilariously Reductive Theses

The brilliant blog Lol My Thesis invites nerds to submit humorous summaries of their research projects, theses, and dissertations.  My current top 3 favorites:

3) "Screw you. Love, the Polish language" - linguistics thesis from Cornell

2) "Rats like cocaine" - a psychology thesis from Reed College

And a drum roll for the best of them all ...

1)  "Why is the Security Council dysfunctional? Because the Russians are devious liars" - a political science thesis from the University of Pennsylvania

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Mens Sana in Corpore Sano

Meet the 10 most educated MMA fighters. Together they hold a very impressive number of graduate degrees.  One used to be a math teacher, a fact that made me think of this.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Nerd News: *Sigh*

Sure, that's academic freedom and room for debate - let's shut up everyone we don't like.  Let's just admit there are politically correct sacred cows about which we refuse to have an honest discussion. I do use "we" in a very loose sense of "self-identifying academics."  People like that make every denizen of Nerdworld look bad.  More here.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Higher Edpocalypse: Hey, Let's Turn Grad School Into More Of A Joke!

Ugh, look at this facepalm-worthy story from the UK about the University of Birmingham’s School of Philosophy, Theology and Religion.  Yeah, there are a bunch of factors involved, though as usual money's the prime mover.  So much for standards and academic rigor.  Look, edu-crats have succeeded in turning the bachelor's degree into a glorified high school diploma that means nearly nothing, so now let's diminish grad degrees too, why don't we?  Dime a dozen in a bad job market.  Pretty soon you'll need a PhD just to be a waiter. Then again, if you'll pardon my snark, what else are you going to do with a grad degree in philosophy, theology, or religion?

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Nerd News: the Master's Degree Is the New Bachelor's

Ugh. Maybe I should start labeling all these types of posts "Credentia-Dementia" or "Higher Edpocalypse" or something.  The degrading of degrees is going to be the end of us all, especially as it's coupled with soaring student loan debt!  So now we got a lot of overly-credentialed (note that I did not say "qualified" or "educated"), often under-skilled and utterly indebted (and frequently whiningly entitled) people running around in a lousy job market. That's just friggin' great. 

UPDATE: "Higher Edpocalypse" it is.

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Nerd News: Too Sexy For a PhD


I'm not a mathematician, but ... Should I be worried?  Should I stop wearing sassy high heels to my Nerdmoots?  Um ... NO.  If I'm going to crash and burn, I'm going to do it my way.  It's not as if I'm not already getting comments like "funny, you don't look like a (insert position here)" and "do you have a husband?" and "you still have a few years to get married" and other such hilariously inappropriate and Neanderthalish utterances from male nerds who honestly think they're enlightened and progressive, yadda yadda yadda.  Rubes!  I haven't yet had to kick anyone in the keister with my stylish yet affordable shoes, but I will if I have to!  You see, ladies never start fights, but ladies can finish them ... and the best revenge is being successful, especially if it means beating the Neanderthals at their own nerd-game ... and doing so while dressed to kill and smiling with sweet, sweet innocence.