Showing posts with label taipei. Show all posts
Showing posts with label taipei. Show all posts

Monday, March 12, 2012

Hello Kitty Monstrosity of the Day: The Plane, The Plane!

Finally, something in air transport that's more awful than the TSA!

I think I've mentioned this Hello Kitty madness by EVA Air before, but this recent Wall Street Journal story about it refreshes all the horror.  The image gallery is simply ... unspeakable. I am happy to note, however, that the demented masterminds behind this did see fit to stock the plane with Hello Kitty-themed airsick bags.  You're going to need them, pal.

Sunday, January 01, 2012

Happy New Year 2012!

2012 already!  Here's hoping it's a good one.  It's already startedwith a laugh as Dave Barry publishes his annual year in review and looks back at 2011.

Oh, and the Cine-Sib suggests this video of fireworks from Taipei:

Monday, July 11, 2011

Hello Kitty Monstrosity of the Day: the Taipei Patisserie

I give you two horrifying examples (click to enlarge for full effect), but you really need to go to the source and see one girl's flabbergasting photo essay.  And, yes, I know, Taipei.  I'm so embarrassed.  (And yet -- oh, you know it! -- I'm impelled by a creeping sense of sick, morbid curiosity.)

Let them eat ... um, EW.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Tornado in Taipei!

Michael Turton links to this amazing video footage of a twister in the middle of Taipei.  It caused only minor damage, but it still was, as you hear one person say in the video, "So scary!"  No kidding.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

History in Photographs: Old Taiwan

Check this awesome archive of some 3200 vintage photos of old Taiwan -- a place that has long since vanished.   Check out, for instance, these street views of Taipei from "back in the day."  How far we've come!  Notice too how you sometimes see Japanese flags flying in photos from the pre-WWII (Japanese colonial) era.

Link via the always-fantastic
View From Taiwan blog (xie-xie, Michael!).

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Hello Kitty Monstrosity of the Day: the Hello Kitty Pink Helmet

This was a photo snapped by the Sibling on a street in Taipei. Yes, it really is a pink helmet on a scooter. The horror, the horror! What's actually killing me, though, isn't the cute helmet -- it's the PINK railings on the street!

Also: astute readers will notice that in the "dashboard" of the scooter is a plastic cup with a giant straw that says, "I am bubble tea!" Yep, bubble tea, that Taiwanese beverage sensation.

Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year from Mad Minerva

I'll be offline for the rest of today and for most of tomorrow. It's time for welcoming 2008 with friends and family -- lots of food and fun and games.

In fact, I'm wearing green velvet as I'm typing; I'm waiting for the Cinema-Mad Sibling to fetch me so we can go meet some friends for dinner, then a little dance party organized by another friend (and by "little" he meant 90+ people are invited), and then coffee and snacks and games until midnight.

Tomorrow will be sleeping late, then meeting more friends for more fun. One -- the infamous Il Barista -- has challenged the Sibling and me to Wii (!) tomorrow night.

So, Happy New Year as I log off! I give you some gorgeous eye-candy from the awesome Aussies, who -- as one of the first nations to see midnight -- lit up Sydney harbor with a galaxy of fireworks plus fun party music.

Happy 2008 with Asian-Pacific flair!

And also of course from the celebrations in Taiwan -- check out Taipei 101's vertical fireworks!