[Kenwood] Deoxit

[email protected] [email protected]
Fri, 2 Jan 2004 17:46:11 EST

Years ago, the folks at McIntosh Labs recommended Deoxit to me.  If you 
aren't familiar with McIntosh audio gear, it is a high-end product manufactured to 
exacting standards in the USA.  This was the only thing they wanted to see on 
theirstuff.  I had a pot on my power amp that was intermittent.  I hit it with 
some Deoxit, circa 1994, and that was the end of the problem, to this day.  I 
also have an AM/FM radio with an analog tuner that was giving me fits with 
terrible noise when I tuned it.  This was about the same time as the McIntosh 
issue.  I dissassembled it, sprayed the tuner with Deoxit, and it hasn't made 
any noise since.  

I have no idea what the techical issues are with this stuff as I'm not a 
chemist but I know that several quality audio shops recommend it and they don't 
sell it.

Steve, N4JQQ

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