Showing posts with label Kuih. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kuih. Show all posts

6 September 2007

Kuih 101- Lesson 2

Kuih Tepong Bungkus
Flour, Santan, Sugar (Stuffing, Grated Coconuts. Brown Sugar) wrapped in Banana Leaf
The Open Kuih
The Kuih cut in Half
Kuih Sri Muka, Kuih Sri Kaya
Variation : available in Green or Yellow in other places
Cooking : Steam or Steam then Bake for a Burnt Look
Pulut Rice as bottom layer, Flour, Santan, Sugar top layer.
Kuih Tepong Talam
(look a bit like the top kuih)
difference in the bottom laver do not contain whole pulut rice
Santan, Flour, Sugar, Salt
This Kuih is a double layer kuich, one is sweet the other is salty
Kuih Sri Ayu
Sugar, Flour
Kuih Odeh Oden
Pulut (Rice) Flour, (Stuffing: Grated Coconut, Green Nuts)

Kuih 101

Kuih, Malay for Cakes, in this case meaning traditional or modern malay cakes, which are eaten as a snack, or dessert for all meal times. This Kuih are a cottage industry made by Makchik Makchik, (Aunty's) to supplement their income and are traditionally sold in Coffee Shops, Shacks and Stalls.


Now this kuih are serve in 5 Star Hotels to lowly coffee shacks along the road side.


The Nonya Baba Community have their own version of this kuih call nonya kuih. This Kuih is being industries and produce in big factories but with a "loss" in term of taste, but a "improvement" in hygiene. This will (hopefully) be the first in a series of Malay Kuih blog.

Kuih Bengkang Bakar

Santan (Coconut Milk), Flour, Sugar

Kuih Bengkang Kemboja (Combodian)

Santan (Coconut Milk), Pandan, Flour, Sugar, Sesame Seed

Malaysian version of the Puff Pastry

Cucur Badak

Potato, Flour, (Stuffing : Grated Coconut, Chillie, others)

To give a idea of the inside of the Kuih Badak, I took a bite

Kuih Lepat Pisang

Banana, Santan, Flour, Sugar wrapped in Banana Leaf and Steam

The Open Kuih Lepat Pisang

Kuih Lopis

Pulut (Rice) flour, grated coconut, with a Brown Suger Dip

Malaysian version of Cream Caramel