Showing posts with label Football games. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Football games. Show all posts

Monday, January 13, 2014

Disappointing loss for the San Diego Chargers

Yesterday my home team was playing the Denver Broncos for the AFC championship. Everyone here in San Diego was really excited because it's been a long time since the Chargers were in the AFC playoffs and most San Diegans were looking for the Chargers to win. Sad to say that the Chargers ended up losing the game 24-17.  I watched the 3rd quarter and they were losing 17-0 so I changed the channel. They played very poorly and it didn't look like the Chargers that I know of. Obviously Chargers fans are not happy and will have to wait another season. I personally didn't want to get my hopes up too high because they seem to do this every year and let us Charger fans down so do you blame me for the way I feel? At work the other day, my co-worker larry and me where discussing about the upcoming playoff game with another coworker who was expecting the chargers to win but Larry and I were doubtful that San Diego could pull off such a win and I guess we were correct on this one. I'm sure a lot of people lost a lot of money on the chargers. How do you feel about the San Diego Chargers losing?