Showing posts with label Sea World. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sea World. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Sea World theme park

Not my photo

This year my family and I want to take the kids to Sea World but we just can't find it in our budget to make it happen. Sea World keeps sending me emails about special offers for me and my family and it looks really tempting but I told my wife we just can't do it and maybe next year we will do it. My son keeps bugging me to take him to Lego land and my daughter wants to go to Sea World. Although I'm not the kind of father to deprive my kids of having fun, when it comes to a decision of eating or having fun at a theme park, I would rather eat. I  think next year after the tax season is over, we're going to be in a much better position to take our kids to Sea World. I can't wait because my wife and I love Sea World too!