Friday, June 26, 2009

Jimmy, Jimmy Mo' Jimmy!

Yet again, I went too far. These designs were done just to get use to the style and feel of the show, but I was having way to much fun . . . so I keep on going. Hope you enjoy them as much as I love mayonnaise, . . . . . . . . . I REALLY love mayonnaise!

Friday, June 19, 2009

More Jimmy to boot!

When it came time to design Jimmy's dog, nobody knew what they wanted. So a bunch of us at the studio threw in our thoughts on the matter. This is my contribution to the cause.

The Background out the patio windows was done by " JOSH GAY "

They also had a problem with Lucius's wife design, so once again a bunch of us had a crack at establishing a look for her.

The rest of these designs were once again done just for fun and to get a feel for the show. None of these designs were used in the production of " Jimmy Two-Shoes ".

Friday, June 12, 2009

Will the real Jimmy two-shoes, please stand up!

Here are the sketches I did for the pre-production short of the series " Jimmy Two-Shoes ". This was back in the day when the story of Jimmy was actually in " HELL " and was populated with serial killers and murders. Jimmy was also dead and could be treated as so, just like some of my drawings show. Heloise also was quit different, she was a psychopath that love to torture Jimmy but also loved him. Her personallity kept switching between her love of Jimmy, and her hatred for him. I thought this version had a lot more potential for comedy, but the powers that be disagreed.

These are some of the doodles I did to get in to the style and mood of the show. None of them were acually used, but were a lot of fun to do!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Meet the Phreaks!


This show was a pet project of a friend who wanted to bring back the fun of those classic shows like " The Munsters " and " The Adams Family ". I'm not really sure what his version was about or how it differed from those other shows, but I was fun to work on anyways. The style was pretty much stolen from the "Beetlejuice/Family Dog" cartoon or at lest an attempt at it.










Well that's all of them, still would have been fun to work on, but thats life. At least I can share them with you here.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Train Trip Sketches!

Last week I had to take a trip to Toronto to see a medical specialist. I took the train, so I had a lot of time to kill. Thank zombie Jesus I brought my sketch book with me or I would have gone mad twiddling my thumbs for eight hours. Don't try to make any sense out of them, I just put down what ever floated into my head.

Enjoy! ...... if you can.

Friday, May 22, 2009

The Robots are Coming!

I found these drawings the other day of a robot family I designed for a friends personal project and decided to show them. I didn't really think about colour to much when I designed them, so I'm not that crazy about my selections.


And for more robot fun, go see the mighty Terminator! It's fun for the whole family, even grandpa Joe.

I know it does not look alot like chrome, but I couldn't figure out how to colour this thing to save my life. I really got to get more skills in colour selection and paint technique.