Showing posts with label menu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label menu. Show all posts

Monday, September 08, 2008

Menus, Goals, and Updates....Oh My!

Hey everyone! I'm back! I can't wait to tell you all about the amazing trip to Romania, but little things like laundry, kids, house, laundry, and bills may take precedence. So please be patient. I also have to decide which of the 5000 pictures we took to show off. It may take some time. In the meantime, just let me thank you for your prayers for us as we traveled. It was truly a wonderful trip for all of us. But now back to routine....

So....Menu Planning Monday

Monday--Pork in Marscapone Sauce, green salads, steamed carrots
Tuesday--Shrimp Scampi (South Beach diet cookbook), green salad, steamed peas
Wednesday--"lasagna" casserole (layers of meat, mushrooms, sauce and cheese without noodles), green salads
Thursday--Grilled lamb steaks, corn on the cob, green salads
Friday--Chicken Curry, rice for kids, green beans, salad
Saturday--Grilled pork steaks, salads, vegetable to be determined
Sunday--Small Group Fellowship meeting; Build your own sub sandwiches, raw veggies, crisps

Goal updates


August Goal Review:
*order math curriculum--no
* Clear out one closet and donate unused clothes to charity--no
* Finish stripping paint off of old cabinet--didn't touch
* Finish 3 1/2 states plus Liberty stripe on Flag Sampler--finished the states and 1/2 the Liberty stripe
* Read Ministry of Motherhood--will be my travel book--YES!!! Why, oh why, did I wait so long? Amazing book!
* Prep for and then go to Romania for 2 weeks to help out in the churches and children's home--YES! More on this to come

September Goals
* Buy Math Curriculum and finalize preparations for first month of school
* Choose Fall Bible Study material and order
* Complete 1 1/2 stripes on Flag Sampler cross stitch
* Complete a Baby quilt
* Organize sewing room
* Finish stripping cabinet and prep to stain
* Find time for one date night with German

I'll be back later today with my Marriage Monday post! See you then!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Monday Menu Planning

Monday: Coca Cola chicken, green salads, carrots
Tuesday: Grilled cheeseburgers, green salad, vegetable tbd
Wednesday: Tuna Casserole and salads (left for family as I leave for a Pampered Chef party ;-))
Thursday: Pork in Marscapone Sauce, corn on the cob, green salads
Friday: Grilled Chicken with Tzaiziki, Greek Salads, Green Beans
Saturday: Pizza Party for Jewel's birthday
Sunday: tbd based on weather

Monday, July 21, 2008

Monday Menu Planning

Monday: Vegetable Ranch Pizza (broccoli and carrots on a ranch dressing base) with cantaloupe

Tuesday: Cheesy Chicken Casserole, green salads, green beans

Wednesday: Pork in Marscapone sauce, corn on the cob, salads

Thursday: Grilled Chicken with tzatziki, steamed carrots, salads

Friday: dinner out

Saturday: Grilled burgers, Green Peas, Fruit Salad

Sunday: Small Group Fellowship meeting Plan to grill kielbasa and make broccoli salad, the other members will bring everything else.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Menu Planning Monday

This is kind of an odd week since German is out of town more than once and with our weird British weather I can't decide until late afternoon if it is a grill day or a non-grill day. So that is how I'm dividing the menus. ;)

Grill Days:
Option One: Lemon and Garlic Chicken breasts, steamed carrots, green salad
Option Two: Kielbasa, green salads, melon
Option Three: Grilled cheeseburgers, salads, green beans

Non-Grill Days:
Option One: Salmon Chowder (hold over from last week)
Option Two: Summer vegetable pizza with melon
Option Three: Savoury Lamb Chops with Rosemary, steamed zucchini
Option Four: Blackened Chicken open Faced Sandwiches with Carrot, Green Pepper and Pinapple topping, green salad

Monday, July 07, 2008

Menu Planning Monday

Here is my plan for the week. The hotdogs are a holdover from last week when it was too rainy to grill out. ;)

Monday: Chili & Cheese Prawns (from Tana Ramsay's cookbook), salad, peas
Tuesday: Meatloaf, corn on the cob, salad
Wednesday: Grilled Hotdogs with Chili, Salad, Melon, Chips
Thursday: Grilled BBQ chicken, steamed carrots, salad
Friday: Pork Steaks, green beans, salad
Saturday: TBD based on weather and if we go away for the day
Sunday: Salmon Chowder

For more ideas (many with recipes) visit OrgJunkie. Have a great week!

Monday, June 30, 2008

Monday Menu Planning

Monday--grilled kielbasa, corn on the cob, salad
Tuesday--Pork with Mascarpone sauce, green beans, salad
Wednesday--Grilled Lamb Steaks, steamed carrots, salad
Thursday--Pulled BBQ Pork, salads, veg tbd
Friday--Grilled hot dogs with chili, crisps, fruit salad
Saturday--Grilled chicken with tzatziki, peas, salads
Sunday--Pizza with Church Fellowship Group!

Other menu plans may be found this week at Heavenly Homemakers

Monday, July 16, 2007

Monday Menu Planning

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I have been lax about posting this each week, although I am still faithfully doing my plans. Here is this week's plan:

Monday: Pesto chicken, shredded carrot, cabbage and broccoli salad

Tuesday: Lamb Dansak, naan bread, melon

Wednesday: Lemon chicken in crock pot, steamed asparagus, salad

Thursday: Grilled lamb steaks, steamed mixed vegetables

Friday: Pork in Marscapone sauce, corn on the cob, salads

Saturday: Grilled tuna steaks, steamed carrots, salads (Or eat out at the Gurkha buffet after watching the Red Arrows Air Show)

Sunday: Navy bean and ham soup

For other great menu ideas, check out the menus linked to Org Junkie!

Monday, June 11, 2007

Monday Menu Plan

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Monday: Shepherd's Pie, sliced beets, carrots
Tuesday: "Chicken Melton" (chicken breasts rolled around Lancashire cheese and tomatoes, wrapped in bacon), salads, green beans
Wednesday: Pork with Marscapone, steamed broccoli, green salads
Thursday: Dinner with friends from Romania: Coca-Cola Chicken, steamed carrots, green salad/melon/sliced cucumbers/sliced tomatoes, roasted potatoes, ooey gooey butter cake with raspberries
Friday: Cheeseburgers, green peas, salad
Saturday: Grilled pork steaks, green beans, salad
Sunday: Salmon Chowder

Monday, June 04, 2007

Monday Menu Planning

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Monday: cajun chicken and rice, salad, steamed carrots
Tuesday: burgers with cheese, salad, green peas
Wednesday: fish & chips and melon
Thursday: grilled lamb steaks, broccoli with cheese, salad
Friday & Saturday in London
Sunday: out to eat Italian to celebrate my birthday on Monday

Subject to change: once I know which night our Romanian friends are coming to visit the meal will change to: Chicken Cordon Bleu or Coca-Cola Chicken, carrots, roasted potatoes, salad and ooey gooey butter cake with raspberries for desert.

For other great menu plans visit Lara at Org Junkie.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Monday Menu Plan

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Monday: Grilled Chicken with Feta, tzaiziki, pita bread, green beans, Greek Salad
Tuesday: Pork with Marscapone, steamed carrots, salad
Wednesday: German out of town---ham and cheese with melon
Thursday: Grilled salmon, salad, melon, vegetable tbd
Friday: Turkey burgers with cheese, salad
Saturday-Monday: on holiday in Norwich

For more menu ideas, please visit Lara at Org Junkie. Have a great week!

Monday, May 14, 2007

Monday Menu

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Monday: take away (German is out of town)
Tuesday: grilled cajun chicken breasts, steamed carrots, mixed salads
Wednesday: Baked ham, sweet potatoes, salad
Thursday: Grilled polish sausage, sauerkraut, sweet peas, salad
Friday: Garlic Shrimp, salad, green beans
Saturday: Chef's salads
Sunday: Mixed bean soup and crackers

For other great menu ideas, join Laura at Org Junkie.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Menu Plans and Party Food

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This week's menu plan is:
Monday: BBQ pork ribs, steamed carrots, green salad
Tuesday: crab and avacado salad
Wednesday: Greek-style chicken with feta, sesame green beans, salad
Thursday: Grilled salmon, steamed sugar peas, salad
Friday: DATE NIGHT (girls will have pasta or pizza)
Saturday: Party with Friends: subway sandwiches, spinach dip, veggie tray, lemon meringue cake and whatever the other guests bring
Sunday: Split Pea and Ham Soup

I promised some of my favorite party food recipes. So here are a few:

Ham rollups

Take thin sliced ham (sandwich slices). Spread with Cream Cheese & Herb or Cream Cheese & Garlic spread. Gently roll. Place tooth pick through each end. Cut in half. Keep chilled until ready to serve.

Spinach Dip

1 package frozen spinach (thawed, drained and squeezed with kitchen towels to remove the liquid)
1 large tub creme fresche or sour cream
1 cup mayonaise
1 package vegetable soup mix (I use Knorr Golden vegetable)

Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Chill for at least 1 hour to blend flavors. Serve with bread cubes or bread sticks. I like to take a large round loaf of bread. Hollow out center (saving to make cubes) and place dip in bread bowl center.

Cheese Dip

1 package cream cheese
1 jar of your favorite salsa
1 packet taco seasoning
1 small can Mexi-corn

Place all ingredients in a microwave safe bowl. Microwave 1-2 minutes at a time, stirring thoroughly in between until melted. Serve with chips or tortillas. To make this a meal, add 1/2 pound ground hamburger or turkey that you have browned.

***If the party includes dinner, I almost always use my slow cooker, here are my two standards.***

Pulled Pork Sandwiches

Cook a large pork roast on low for 8-10 hours (I usually do this all night, the night before the party). Remove the roast and shred it into bit size pieces. Put meat back into crock pot and cover with your favorite bottled BBQ sauce. Cook on low another 5-6 hours. Serve over buns with cheese, onion, and pickles. Also good served over baked potatoes or wrapped in flour tortillas.

Cola Chicken

Place skinned, boneless chicken breasts in slow cooker. Salt and pepper. Cover with equal amounts of Coca-Cola and tomato ketchup. Cook on low for 6-8 hours. Serve with roasted potatoes and steamed vegetables.

"Roasted" Potatoes

Peel and dice potatoes into small bite-size pieces. Mix together 1/2 cup olive oil and 1 packet french onion soup mix. Pour over the potatoes. Cook at 180 degrees Celsius for 30-40 minutes until tender. Stir occassionally.

***No party is complete without something sweet.***


4 8-ounce packages cream cheese
1.5 cups sugar
1 stick (8Tablespoons) butter, melted
4 eggs
1 pint sour cream or creme fresche
3 Tablespoons Flour
3 Tablespoons Corn Starch
2 teaspoons vanilla or almond extract

Beat cream cheese until smooth. Add other ingredients and mix until thoroughly incorporated. Pour into a 9 inch spring form pan that has been lined with parchment paper. Smooth top. Bake at 325F/180C for 1 hour 20 minutes. Turn oven off and leave cake in the oven for at least 1 more hour. (I usually bake just before going to bed, turn oven off, leave door slightly ajar and leave it in the oven overnight).

Turn cake out onto cake plate. Refrigerate until ready to serve. Serve with whatever berries are in season or topped with canned fruit pie filling.

Variation: For chocolate cheesecake, add 1 cup chocolate chips to the butter and melt together. Follow recipe as above.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Monday Menu Planning

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Monday: Chicken Tahini Salad and Cauliflower Soup
Tuesday: (German away) Crab and Avacado Salad for me; Grilled Sausages and Salads for girls
Wednesday: Pork Roast slow cooked in Crock Pot, Chinese Style Broccoli
Thursday: Chicken Breasts stuffed with Spinach and Goat Cheese, Steamed Carrots, Green Salads
Friday: Date night with German:)
Girls: Pasta and Tomato Sauce, Green Beans
Saturday: Turkey Swedish Meatballs, Green Peas, Salads
Sunday: Tomato Soup

To find other great menu ideas visit Laura at Org Junkie.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Monday Menu Planning

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Monday: Pork in Marscapone sauce, steamed cauliflower, green salads
Tuesday: Special Treats: shortbread, King Cake and Pumpkin Bread at tea party
Dinner: Lemon Pepper Chicken, Snap Peas, Salad
Wednesday: Lamb Steaks, Green Beans, Salad
Thursday: (church meeting) Ham Rollups and raw veggies
Friday: Salmon, Steamed Carrots, Salad
Saturday: tbd
Sunday: Lentil Soup

Monday, February 05, 2007

Monday Menu Planning

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Monday: Chicken Piri Piri (from Quick and Easy South Beach), Salad, Steamed Carrots
Tuesday: (German away) Girls: Spaghetti Me: Salad with leftover chicken & avacado
Wednesday: Shrimp Stir-Fry, Salad
Thursday: Lamb Stew
Friday: Grilled Pork Chops, Green Beans, Steamed Broccoli with Cheese Sauce
Saturday: Indian cooking lessons with a friend (eat the results)
Sunday: Bean Soup, Corn Bread or Crackers

More great menu ideas can be found here.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Monday Menu

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Great week last week starting South Beach Diet, so a few more recipes from the Quick and Easy South Beach Diet cookbook!

Monday: BBQ pork (from Friday's tenderloin), steamed carrots, Indian lentils (QESBD p 287)

Tuesday: Turkey Parmesan (p. 172), Steamed Broccoli with cheese, green salad

Wednesday: The girls: Spaghetti and Sausage
German and I: Chef Salads before we leave for Bible Study

Thursday: (German away on business) Garden Chili (Fix it and Forget it Lightly, p. 180), crackers

Friday: Crab and Avacado Salad, Lettuce leaves, Carrot and Celery Sticks

Saturday: Dinner at church followed by a Ceidhl!

Sunday: Dorthea's Split Pea Soup (Fix It and Forget It), whole wheat crackers

For other great menu ideas check in here.

oops...forgot about the ceidhl on Saturday, so had to revise!

Monday, January 15, 2007

Monday Menu Planning

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Here is my menu plan for the week. Trying some new recipes from The Quick and Easy South Beach Cookbook this week.

Monday: Spanish Monkfish, steamed carrots, green salads
Tuesday: Lamb Kebabs, Feta, Cucumber & Radish Salad
Wednesday: Cold cuts, cheese and salads (Bible Study night)
Thursday: Pork Roast, Stir-fried veggies
Friday: Baked Chicken Pesto, Green Beans & Mushrooms
Saturday: Grilled Salmon, Steamed Cauliflower and Broccoli or Steamed Carrots (must check with dinner guests as to what their children like), Green Salad, birthday cake
Sunday: leftovers or chef salads

For other menu ideas head over to Lara's site.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Monday Menu Planning

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Monday: chicken quesadillas
Tuesday: spaghetti and salad
Wednesday: homemade pepperoni pizza, carrot sticks
Thursday: Indian take-away (in honor of Daddy being in India)
Friday: chef salads
Saturday: Grilled chicken with Feta, steamed carrots, salads
Sunday: Dorthea's Split Pea Soup and homemade bread in the bread machine

For more menu ideas visit Lara at Org Junkie.