Thursday, October 30, 2008

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

You put one troll up on your blog and the next day, the dwarves show up--belligerent little sods. This particular ruffian is Bofo of Bolduum, elf-crusher and forger of sharp things.

Continuing my mythological-tangent, this is Ulla, a valkyrie, and her theme song. Ecstacy of Gold was fantastic in The Good the Bad, and the Ugly, but I always thought it sounded more like an ancient call-to-arms than a western show down.

Snapple fact: Valkyries fly over combat, escorting fallen warriors to Val Halla. These battle maidens are often depicted as riding winged horses, but according to Wikipedia (or as I call it, Brain Number Two), 'norse horse' was an Icelandic term for a wolf. So these babes soar over battles on giant friggin wolves, clad in shimmering armor, bringing glory to the fallen. That's pretty epic.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Chades Challenge XVIII: Hostile Troll
My troll is s sea-side cliff-dweller that rides a mutated coconut crab. That's pretty hostile. The drawing lacks clarity due to the dense line mileage and lack of color or tone. Anyone want to do a color pass on this baby? I'll post all of the applicants!
I could do another week of these! Anyone else got any?

More hostile trolls:
Leo Matsuda
Josh Billings

Friday, October 17, 2008

I think Nate and I were both thinking Halloweeny with our noun and adjective. Should be fun! Let's see who can draw the most malevolent, mindless, slobbering, hostile troll imaginable. Sketch greatly!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Monster Mash Part II
Too lazy to draw a body? Draw a cloak!

Monster Mash Part I
It's always fun to draw monsters, but Halloween sets the atmosphere particularly well. Looking for vampire reference, I stumbled upon this eerie little fellow. The critter's an aye aye,the world's largest nocturnal primate (unless, of course, you count the animator). I think the real thing's still more caricatured than my design!

Saturday, September 27, 2008


Next week: more loopy gangsters!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Post your designs on Friday!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Nerd Fan-Art
I've been talking with friends about how great it would be to see a run of X-Men comics set when the series began in 1963, focusing on the assassination of JFK and the whole civil rights movement seen through the allegory of mutants like the X-Men. We figured a great villain for the first story arch would be Nimrod, a precursor to the Sentinels. It's a cool challenge, trying to get that 60s robot feel, while keeping him fairly scary looking. To re-cap: my last two posts have been about Dungeons and Dragons and the X-Men.