Showing posts with label comics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label comics. Show all posts

Sunday, July 07, 2013

Childhood Heroes at TR!CKSTER in San Diego

Comic Con isn't the only San Diego event making big announcements this week. TR!CKSTER has just announced their exclusive debut of Childhood Heroes, a graphic novel anthology celebrating the earliest creations of comic- and animation-industry professionals.

We got the proof last week, and the book looks fantastic. Can't wait to show y'all what we've been up to!

Hope to see you in San Diego!

11 days...

Friday, June 07, 2013

Fryd-Day 9: Bad Gas

Part 9 in a weekly series exploring the adaptation of a childhood creation into a new comic for TR!CKSTER's 2013 volume, Childhood Heroes.

Next Week: TurboCrop!

Thursday, June 06, 2013

Supe du Jour II: The Man of Twomorrow

Day two of my Superman sketch-a-day was a no-brainer: Two-Face. My Harvey Dent will always be Billy Dee Williams.

I'm kind of surprised nobody's done this gettup for ol' Dent Head.

8 days...

Monday, June 03, 2013

How Does He Shave? (Theory II)

How does Superman shave? The "active volcano" theory:

Pro: it gives Clark Kent an excuse to visit Hawaii every morning.
Con: he has to draw on his eyebrows. 

11 days...

Friday, May 31, 2013

Fryd-Day 8: The Chase!

Part 8 in a weekly series exploring the adaptation of a childhood creation into a new comic for TR!CKSTER's 2013 volume, Childhood Heroes.

Next Week: "Bad Gas"

14 days...

Friday, May 24, 2013

Fryd-Day 8: Bank Haul-iday

Part 7 in a weekly series exploring the adaptation of a childhood creation into a new comic for TR!CKSTER's 2013 volume, Childhood Heroes

Next Week: The Chase!

21 days...

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Fryd-Day 7: High Heist

Part 7 in a weekly series exploring the adaptation of a childhood creation into a new comic for TR!CKSTER's 2013 volume, Childhood Heroes.

Next Week: Bank Haul-iday

27 days...

Thursday, May 16, 2013

TR!CKST3R 2013

TR!CKSTER 3 is a go! Anyone attending the San Diego Comic Con this Summer can find respite from the nerd hordes, refuel with a cocktail, and slap the ten-pins with us at East Village Tavern & Bowl. We'll be at 930 Market St, San Diego CA July 17-20th.

For those of you unfamiliar with the brand, TR!CKSTER is a retail space specializing in creator-owned properties including fine art prints, toys, clothing, and limited edition books. The most recent of which, I am proud to say, is the brainchild of Everett Downing (365 Supers), Bobby Rubio (Alcatraz High), and myself: CHILDHOOD HEROES.

Childhood Heroes is a graphic novel anthology exploring the earliest creations of professional artists from the comic and animation industries. The volume will include my own childhood hero, Fryd, so be sure to check it out!

TR!CKSTER will be open late into the night, long after the convention hall closes, so swing by and join us for a round! You can also follow TR!CKSTER on twitter at @thetrickstore, or subscribe to their website,!

29 days...

Friday, May 10, 2013

Fryd-Day 6: Crops & Robbers

Part 6 in a weekly series exploring the adaptation of a childhood creation into a new comic for TR!CKSTER's 2013 volume, Childhood Heroes

For the next eleven weeks, I'll be posting a new page from the comic every Fryd-Day. Today, you get two (since you've already seen the title page).

35 days...

Friday, May 03, 2013

Fryd-Day 5: Re-Fryd Scenes

Part 5 in a weekly series exploring the adaptation of a childhood creation into a new comic for TR!CKSTER's 2013 volume, Childhood Heroes.

I thought I'd share a bit of my process today.  Here's a look at my title page, from rough tones to final color.

Of course, before I even get to tones, every panel starts as a supper scribbly layout sketch. The main goal here is to nail the composition, and capture some feeling for the gesture and acting.

 A few passes later, I have the final sketch. Hopefully, the spirit is still the same!

I always work from color palettes. In these color palettes, everything is graded light-to-dark, and sometimes shaped to help me remember what aspect of the character the colors belong to. I am now realizing how dirty the shape of that flesh palette looks, but I promise, that's just the character's flesh tones and nose.

Stay tuned. Next week, I'll start posting final pages!

35 days...

Friday, April 26, 2013

Fryd-Day 4: Plane Crazy

Part 4 in a weekly series exploring the adaptation of a childhood creation into a new comic for TR!CKSTER's 2013 volume, Childhood Heroes.

One of the challenges in adapting my childhood comic is that I haven't improved much in my ability to draw planes since I was thirteen years old. 

Originally, Fryd's plane ("The Dipper") was a bit of a rip-off of the Rocketeer's plane, the Gee Bee, which is more of a racing plane than a crop-duster.

Since Fryd is supposed to be a mild-mannered crop-dusting pilot by day, I decided to take a look at crop-dusting planes, and found this beaut: the Grumman Ag-Cat!

There was so much clunky character in this rickety dust bird, and I knew I had cast my noble steed at last. All that was left to do was caricature the plane, and push the proportions a little.

Suddenly, I could picture the Dipper chasing down getaway vans... blows with ne'er-do-well bank robbers...

...and destroying public and private property in the process!

I'm still not very good at drawing planes, but at least I have a feeling for the character of THIS plane.

42 days...

Friday, April 19, 2013

Fryd-Day 3: What's in a Name?

Part 3 in a weekly series exploring the adaptation of a childhood creation into a new comic for TR!CKSTER's 2013 volume, Childhood Heroes.

Above is the logo I created in 1997. As you can tell, I was a real font maestro, and even included a registered trademark in case anyone tried to rip off my work of genius. 

Below is the revised logo, which gives a bit more of a flavor for the subject matter:

Maybe I'll actually register the trademark this time.

49 days...

Friday, March 22, 2013

Fryd-Day 1

I'm working with some friends on a graphic novel anthology called Childhood Heroes, wherein we will do modern takes on the characters we created as kids. My first comic creation was Fryd (pronounced "fried"), a crop-dusting vigilante who usually causes more harm than good.

For the next few Fridays, I'll be taking you through the process of adapting this childhood story into a new (and hopefully improved) graphic novel.

Look for Childhood Heroes at the TR!CKSTER event in San Diego this July, and look for more Fryd updates every Fryd-Day.

I promise the drawings will only get better!

9 days...

Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Childhood Heroes

In honor of Creator-Owned Day, I'm proud to announce the latest TR!CKSTER volume, Childhood Heroes, will be available this July at the TR!CKSTER event in San Diego.

We have a hefty roster of comic and animation industry artists who are updating the characters they created as kids. We're hoping to publish some of the original childhood artwork as well, so stay tuned!

27 days...

Friday, January 11, 2013

Chades Challenge LXXV: Abominable Snowshoe Rabbits

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles vs. Monty Python's Rabbit of Caerbannog. "RUN AWAY, DUDES!!!"
As always, the Chades (Character Design) Challenge is open to anyone who wants to contribute. If you have a shiny sled design of your own, let me know and I'll post your art below. Otherwise, you can join in January 15th for...

Chades Challenge LXXVI:
Hansel & Gretel