Showing posts with label dc. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dc. Show all posts

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Darth Vader 03

Do you want to know how he got those scars?  Unfortunately, you'll have to watch a shitty movie to find out.

7 days...

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Supe du Jour VII: Family Crest

Last week, Slashfilm posted this handy infographic describing the history of Superman's emblem. 

Naturally, this made me want to design my own:

What does your Super sigil look like?

Saturday, June 08, 2013

Supe du Jour IV: Ceyeborg Superman

Has anyone seen the design of the new Cyborg Superman? Personally, I don't think they went far enough. Here's my take on The Man of Mostly Steel:

6 days...

Thursday, June 06, 2013

Supe du Jour II: The Man of Twomorrow

Day two of my Superman sketch-a-day was a no-brainer: Two-Face. My Harvey Dent will always be Billy Dee Williams.

I'm kind of surprised nobody's done this gettup for ol' Dent Head.

8 days...

Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Supe du Jour I: Three Point Stance

With just over a week before Man of Steel comes out, I think it's time to do a Superman sketch-a-day countdown, or "Supe du Jour."

A lot of people give superheroes grief for constantly landing in a three-point stance. To them, I say you try plummeting from the sky at supersonic speeds and landing on two feet!

Monday, June 03, 2013

How Does He Shave? (Theory II)

How does Superman shave? The "active volcano" theory:

Pro: it gives Clark Kent an excuse to visit Hawaii every morning.
Con: he has to draw on his eyebrows. 

11 days...

Thursday, May 30, 2013

How Does He Shave?

The Man of Steel trailer shows a bearded Clark Kent and a clean-shaven Superman, which has caused quite a stir. Conan O'brien, Bill Nye the Science Guy, and the folks at Gillette are all abuzz with the question, "How does Superman shave his Kryptonian beard?" I think the answer is clear:

Talk about some serious gazer burn.

15 days...

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Death of Superman

Remember when Superman died and came back to life? I always thought that was the perfect opportunity to reintroduce him as Superlich.

He could have a glowing green Kryptonian skull. It would be rad!

If not reanimate him as the flying dead, at least rebuild him as a cool cycloptic man-machine. I mean, death's gotta come at a price, right? You can't just come back with longer hair.

In case you're wondering: yes, there are many more Superman sketches to come! And no, they're not all as ridiculous as these.

30 days...

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Man of Steel meets Man of Iron


If I was Iron Man, I'd consider installing a rocketpack just to cut back on the RSI.

31 days...

Monday, May 06, 2013

Steel Arrow

"Hey, Superman. BOW before Hawkeye. Heh heh, get it? You look mad. Wait a minute, waitwaitWAIT!"

32 days...

Thursday, May 02, 2013

Smiles, Scales, Webs, and Claws.

Dinosaurs are usually my default doodle, but since I draw them all day on The Good Dinosaur, you're going to see a lot of my second favorite subject: superheroes.

Little-known fact: Joker only has the second largest smile of any Batman villain. First place goes to Killer Croc.

Super or no, even Peter Parker has to do his oblique workouts.

Has anyone done the triple slashes for the Wolverine logo? Seems kinda obvious.

This concludes today's installment of super sketches. Any requests for supers I should sketch?

36 days...

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Warm-Up Sketches of Steel

Getting in the mood for Man of Steel. Just over a month up, up, and away!

Above is a rather Reeve-y version of Supes. Below is my take on Zod, Bizarro, and Bruce Wayne. Bruce is the one bottom-center, of course.

Bruce really has it easy, as far as rogues go. There's a reason Penguin doesn't go sailing his umbrella into Metropolis.

Though I would like to see Supes take on some better villains. Maybe Middle-Earth would offer a greater challenge to the Man of Tomorrow!

Especially is Smaug has a Kryptonite-breathing cousin.

38 days...