Showing posts with label dinosaurs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dinosaurs. Show all posts

Sunday, July 28, 2013

A New Translation

Howdy Translators! I'm moving the ol' blog over to Tumblr. You can find all of my future dino-doodles and Chades Challenges at the new AustinTranslation,

Blog wiedersehen!

Monday, April 01, 2013

InGen Man

Now that Disney owns Marvel and Lucas, us Pixar employees are allowed to roam the halls of Industrial Light and Magic, and I spotted this design for Jurassic Park IV! Looks uh-mazing!

What do you guys think?

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


 Dinosaur sketches. 'Nuff said.

I should note: these are not related to the Pixar dino film. It'd be sweet if they were, though!

4 days...

Friday, March 08, 2013

Chades Challenge LXXIX: Dino-Riders

Sharks and bugs riding dinosaurs with lasers. What more could you want?

If you have any Dino-Riding designs of your own, let me know and I'll post them below. Everyone is invited to contribute! Otherwise, you can join in March 22nd for...


23 days...

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Everett and I were brainstorming candidates for his 365 Supers blog yesterday, and we came up with "TriCarrotTops." I immediately wondered what would happen if a proper comet hit a prop comic, and came up with this monstrosity.

Ev went an entirely different direction with, "TriCaretTop".

Interestingly enough, Ev informed me that karat not only refers to the purity of a diamond, but also the triangular cut. How fitting for our three-horned hero!

12 days...

Thursday, December 27, 2012

The 2013 Translation

A new year means a new 'do for the blog! The four guidelines for a decent blog banner are 1) Make it up-lifting. 2) Make it colorful. 3) The title needs to be clear and legible, and 4) Avoid fart jokes. Like I said: they're not rules, they're just guidelines.

Thanks for continuing to stop by and leaving comments; I've got lots of mischief and mayhem in the works for 2013 and beyond, so stay tuned!

38 days...

Thursday, December 06, 2012

What Really, Actually Happened to the Dinosaurs

As a response to yesterday's post, I thought I'd post Douglas Henderson's version of what really happened to the Dinosaurs. What I love about Doug's work is, just when you think you've seen every interpretation of prehistoric life, he comes up with an entirely new perspective.

I don't think I've ever seen a depiction of the asteroid's approach that is so eerie and ominous. I love the idea that dinosaurs, like any animal spooked by a coming storm, would have started acting erratically. This is the inciting incident of Act I.

In story, we're always looking for contrast as a way to show escalating drama, which is why I love the difference between the calm, cool-colored approach of the asteroid and this cold, black, existential over-the-moon's-shoulder shot of the asteroid entering atmosphere. This is the escalating action of Act II.

And, in what would only have lasted a fraction of a second, the brilliant, near black-and-white sizzle of the K-T event in progress. This is the crisis moment at the end of Act II.

The final impact puts even Mt Doom to shame.

This is the dramatic climax of Act III.

And finally, our story's resolution. A tragedy from the dinosaur's perspective, a comedy from the asteroid's. 

More of Doug's amazing paleoart can be found here.

Tuesday, December 04, 2012

What Really Happened to the Dinosaurs?

Way back in 2009, when folks were looking forward to a new Star Trek movie and Barrack Obama had recently been elected President--things were much different back then--my friend Mike Sundy and I collaborated on a children's book called "What Really Happened to the Dinosaurs." 

The book was about a paleontologist and his son theorizing about where all the dinosaurs had gone; whether they had left in a massive exodus aboard an alien spaceship, or been obliterated by a Cooties epidemic.

Sadly, the book was never produced, but Mike and I had a blast collaborating, and I think we contributed some very valuable ideas to the scientific community.

10 days...

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Last week, the colossal Moroccan theropod Sauroniops ("The Eye of Sauron") joined the ranks of Mojoceratops and Dracorex Hogwarsti, recently discovered dinosaurs named after nerd icons.

Sauroniops is so-named because the species has only been identified by a single eye socket bone with a distinctive bump. Much like the Dark Lord, who was only identifiable by a badly-burnt helmet after his death.

Peter Jackson couldn't have asked for a cooler publicity stunt.

Friday, October 05, 2012


Pegomastax ("strong jaw"), possibly a distant relative to Count Orlok and Lestat, has been discovered just in time for Halloween.  Since Pegomastax predates bats, my theory is that he turned into an Anurognathus.

Despite the gruesome appearance, Pegomastax was most likely omnivorous, meaning the most Halloweeny part of his diet was candy corn (which you can use to fashion your own set of Pegomastax fangs).

With massive canines, quills, and a sweet chicken comb, it's no surprise this guy is already generating a lot of paleo-art:

Life-sized bust by Tyler Keillor
26 days...

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


A quick sketch I did for a new friend I met at Trickster. What do you think the Pteranodon is telling his toad pal?

9 days...

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Wednesday, May 09, 2012


This post is for Diana, who prompted me to post about's reports that dinosaur farts caused prehistoric global warming. According to researchers, the aptly-named thunder lizards created an estimated 520 million tons of methane gas every year. That's as much as today's natural and man-made sources combined.

Well, it's no wonder Noah wouldn't let them on the ark.

44 days...

Thursday, May 03, 2012

8-bit Cubism

Last weekend was a huge gaming marathon at my buddy Jay's house for his birthday. After about seven board games, I was getting a bit distracted. 

Luckily, Space Alert came with these little wooden counters which I quickly discovered could be made into 8-bit characters, like Devo here.

Or kicking Devo.

When our Space Alert battle station was attacked by an Interstellar Octopus, my solution was to send Boba Fett after the beast (though he hasn't fared particularly well against tentacled monsters in the past).

I quickly progressed to Frolicking Fidel Castro...

...The Grinch...


...More abstract depictions of Santa Claus/Pokeball, Yoda, and The Creeper...

 ...And, of course, Jurassic Park.

We didn't win the game, but the 8-bit characters were a fun exercise and well worth the distraction. I heartily recommend Space Alert, if only for the 8-bit art potential!

1 day...

Thursday, April 05, 2012


Weighing in at one and a half tons, tip-to-tail as long as a school bus, and sporting an impressive coat of feathers. Now that's a big bird.

Yesterday, scientists announced the discovery of Yutyrannus (or "beautiful feathered tyrant"), the largest feathered animal known to man. We know smaller theropods like Velociraptor had feathers and we've even been able to discern the colors and patterns in their down, but Yutyrannus (who lived long before T. rex, in the early Cretaceous) is the first evidence of fully feathered dinosaurs on a large scale. Even terror bird would have bowed to the beautiful feathered tyrant.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Jurassic Pets

Paleontologists from the Cleveland Museum of Natural History have announced the discovery of the two smallest horned dinosaurs ever: Gryphoceratops (pictured above) and Unescopceratops. Sure, they're not actually horned, but these guys are cousins of the great Styracosaurus, Chasmosaurus, and Triceratops. Neither Gryphoceratops or Unescopceratops were longer than a meter, putting them at about the size of a beagle.

Once scientists get their acts together and bring back the dinosaurs, these guys are at the top of my list of possible dinopets.

19 days...

Saturday, March 10, 2012

2 BC (Two Birthday Cards)

After getting all of those amazing dinosaur images yesterday, I decided to spread the love and give some dino drawings of my own. The first is for my buddy Zack, co-creator of Dick Figures. He's a bit of a Trekkie as well as a dino fan, so offered a theory as to why the dinosaurs may have gone extinct. 

The second was for fellow Pixar Animator Ken Kim, whose birthday is today. He's known as the anim vampire due to his late night working habits. We had a dinosaur/vampire lunch with friends yesterday, and I was immediately inspired to illustrate the blending of the two awesome themes. 

Thanks again for all the birthday love!

22 days...

Friday, March 09, 2012

A New Birthday Tradition

I know I'm already a week late on posting the Chades Challenge entries, but I have to take the time to post these amazing dinosaur images. My Pixarian chums Cat Hicks and Chris Chua urged their followers to send me 90s prehistoric clipart for my birthday, and the twitterverse did not disappoint!

Let's hope this becomes a new birthday tradition.

Bruno Chekerdimian, who illustrated this bloody fantastic Meridasaurus

Amar Dosanj, a fellow paleontologist from the UK

Hannah Foss

Fellow Pixarian and Improvible, Christian Roman, sent in a Batman just for good measure.

And Carrie Liao blew them all away with a Batman Dinosaur. Bane's going to have a tough time breaking this hero's back.

Thanks for all the dino-might you guys! Much obliged!

0 days...Welcome to Barsoom!