Showing posts with label caricatures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label caricatures. Show all posts

Monday, April 29, 2013

Happy Birthday to Eric Hann and Jason Topolski

I love doing birthday cards because it's an excellent way to both roast and honor a buddy. The first card is for a pal I've known since highschool. He's a huge fan of Starbucks and Indiana Jones, but I wasn't going to do the kindness of caricaturing him as the hero himself. Plus, this scene between Belloq and Marion really captures Eric's relationship with his wife, Alexa.

The second card was for my buddy Jason, who is co-creating a horror-themed boardgame with me. Naturally, I had to make him his own player card!

That's our game's killer, Otis, preparing to kill Jason with the film stock of the very movie that the game is parodying. It's game-ception.

39 days...

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Happy Birthday, Ethan Karson!

Ethan is a co-worker and fellow member of the Pixar improv troupe, The Improvibles.

It's signed from "Evil" because we have two Austins in The Improvibles, and I happen to be the more nefarious of the two.

34 days...

Friday, February 22, 2013

Chades Challenge LXXVIII: Oscar Contenders

As always, the Chades (Character Design) Challenge is open to anyone who wants to contribute. If you have an Oscar-nominated design of your own, let me know and I'll post your art below. Otherwise, you can join in March 8th for...

Chades Challenge LXXIX: 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Mary Todd's Todd-ally Nutty Bars!

In honor of Honest Abe's 204th birthday, Heather and I baked up an American classic: Mary Todd's Todd-ally Nutty Bars!

3/4 cups packed brown sugar
3/4 cup butter
1 egg
1 1/2 cups flour
1 cup old-fashioned oats
1 bag (14 oz.) caramels, unwrapped
1/3 cup half-and-half
1 cup semisweet chocolate chunks
1 cup coarsely chopped mixed nuts
1/4 cup broken pretzels
2 cups emancipation

Heat oven to 350°F. Grease 13x9-inch pan with cooking spray.

In large bowl, beat brown sugar, butter and egg with electric mixer on medium speed, or mix with spoon. Stir in flour and oats. Spread in pan. Bake 15 to 20 minutes or until light golden brown.

Meanwhile, in 1-quart saucepan, heat caramels and half-and-half over low heat, stirring occasionally, until caramels are melted. Pour caramel mixture over crust. Sprinkle with chocolate chunks, nuts and pretzels.

Bake 5 to 8 minutes or until chocolate is softened. Cool about 1 hour or until chocolate is set. For bars, cut into 6 rows by 6 rows.

12 days...

Monday, February 04, 2013

Fantasy Football, Super Bowl Edition

To end my Fantasy Football series with a bang, I did a quarter-by-quarter interpretation of the Harbaugh duel.

1st Quarter

2nd Quarter

3rd Quarter Power Outage
According to my Twitter feed, this was either caused by Beyonce or Bane.

3rd Quarter

4th Quarter

As George R.R. Martin says, dark wings bear dark words. Congrats, Baltimore, and let's get 'em next year Niners!

Saturday, February 02, 2013

Fantasy Football XXIII: Ravens vs Niners

Alright folks, this one's for all the marbles! Brother vs Brother. Hermano y hermano!

I have to say, as much as I love seeing the Niners back in the Superbowl, I was really looking forward to drawing Chuck Norris storm the Millenium Falcon in a Texans vs Falcons game. Maybe next year.

1 day...

Thursday, January 31, 2013

A Very Miserables Musical

The latest poster for Pixar's improv troupe, The Improvibles.
I originally had Russell Crowe belting out a shattering melody note to the tagline, "Even worse than Russell Crowe." My wiser colleagues mentioned that RC might supply a voice for Pixar some day and that the more prudent path would be leaving the note intact.

I still think it's funnier the other way.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

The Hobbit Wager

I lost a Rotten Tomatoes wager to Everett Downing when The Hobbit scored a very-unwhopping 65% RT score (needless to say, I had much higher hoped). The stakes were loser draws winner as a character from the film. Here's the spoils of war:

I'm looking forward to drawing Ev as Jimmy Olsen when I lose our inevitable Man of Steel RT wager.

10 days...

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Everett and I were brainstorming candidates for his 365 Supers blog yesterday, and we came up with "TriCarrotTops." I immediately wondered what would happen if a proper comet hit a prop comic, and came up with this monstrosity.

Ev went an entirely different direction with, "TriCaretTop".

Interestingly enough, Ev informed me that karat not only refers to the purity of a diamond, but also the triangular cut. How fitting for our three-horned hero!

12 days...

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Mean Caricature Night


Last night, a group of artists from work convened at Cato's in Piedmont for a "Mean Caricatures Night." The portraits started off innocent enough...

The first drawings were simple, literal...

 ...some were even elegant.

As we kept drinking, we began to come out of our shells a little, pushing proportions.

But each picture intensified with each pitcher imbibed.

Soon, the portraits were progressing from human... subhuman... inhuman altogether.

Every time we thought we'd pushed a likeness as far as it could go...

...someone would up the ante!

...and then remove the portrait from the kingdom mammalia entirely.

 Teeth quickly became an area of interest. Some exaggerations were subtle...

 ...others, not so subtle.

Noses soon followed.

One can never make the nose too droopy or drippy, I say.

And where there are teeth and noses, you also get jowls...




Even posture!

The trick, we found, was to place one page on top of another...


...pushing and pulling the expressions to new, excellently horrific levels.

Sometimes it's not enough to have a face on just one part of your body. No one was safe.

No, not even I was safe.

My favorite of the night (and a new Facebook profile picture, I think), is this beauty from Louise Smythe that I like to call, "Malice in Wonderland."

It was a wonderful evening of inspiration, perspiration, and depravation. It's amazing how much creativity one can gain from a few beers and some second-hand sharpie fumes.

5 days...

Monday, December 03, 2012

Fantasy Football XIV: Jaguars vs Bills

"For relaxing times, make it Buffalo time."

Huge thanks to whoever put my Fantasy Football series on Reddit. There has been a lot of positive feedback, and I'll definitely be compiling the sketches into a book at the end of the season. Stay tuned, sports fans!

Monday, July 16, 2012

SDCC Yearbook

I brought a moleskine to Comic Con this year.

The initial idea was to sketch the local wildlife.

When I ran into Doug TenNapel, I offered him a sketch trade.

Doug happily agreed! I asked him to illustrate the theme "Comic Con". This beauty is what he came up with:

I loved the sketch so much, I decided to offer my moleskine to other friends/heroes of mine to see their take on the theme. Before long, I had a yearbook of amazing artwork. Here are a few samples!

Cory Walker's sketch wasn't actually in the sketchbook, it was a commission my girlfriend got for me. Between the yearbook and the commission, it was a damn good year for SDCC souvenirs!