Showing posts with label artists. Show all posts
Showing posts with label artists. Show all posts

Monday, July 15, 2013

Fantasy Football at Comic Con!

My Fantasy Football illustration series is making a comeback in a big way this week at Comic Con! I'll be selling a limited run of these prints illustrated by myself and Jonathan Kuo at Booth 1943, next to Sideshow Collectibles. Stop by and support your local mascot combatants!

3 days...

Tuesday, June 04, 2013


A fellow Pixarian story artist, Jamie Baker, had a stroke late last year and we're hosting an art auction to raise money for Jamie's recovery. The auction is Jamie-themed, so my piece includes two of his most beloved art subjects: pachyderms and his own character, Sephilina the Nautigirl.

You can also help Jamie by donating here. Thanks!

"Reflection at the Waterhole"
Ink and Pastel on Paper

10 days...

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Chades Challenge LXXX: Klingons!

In anticipation for Star Trek Into Darkness (which was UH-MAZING), a few of us at work did a character design challenge. The subject: KLINGONS! The three sketches below are my take on the galactic mongols.

"Who ate the last slice of cake??"

To the Bat'lethmobile!

Which end goes up?

If you have any Dino-Riding designs of your own, let me know and I'll post them below, along with my coworkers' designs. Everyone is invited to contribute! Otherwise, you can join in May 31st for...


Louise "Bagel Monday" Smythe

Jeff "Lens Flare" Pidgeon

And my personal favorite from Christian Roman: "Cameo?"

26 days...

Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Ray Harryhausen (1920-2013)

I met Mr. Harryhausen while I was a student at CalArts. At the end of his animation lecture, a student asked if there was a trick to animating something as complicated as a seven-headed Hydra. Harryhausen simply cocked an eyebrow, gave a wry smile, and replied, "Yeah, you unplug the phone and CONCENTRATE."

Phones were plugged into the walls those days.

And animators were titans.

Farewell, Mr. Harryhausen. You will be greatly missed.

31 days...

Monday, April 15, 2013

Happy Birthday, JP Vine!

Happy birthday to my officemate, JP Vine! He's working on an interactive shortfilm/video game starring chickens... naturally, I had to illustrate the inevitable Mortal Kombat crossover.

If you're looking for some inspiration, stop by his blog, But beware the killer chickens.

53 days...

Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Boss Man Brings Home the Gold!

Mandrews brought the Oscar around for a bag-pipe laden victory lap around the studio. The first stop: the Animation Department.

If anyone is wondering: no, we don't all get an Oscar, we just share the one. We place it on a stone plinth and surround it with booby traps and interns.

Alba gu bràth!

32 days...

Friday, January 25, 2013

Chades Challenge LXXVI: Hansel & Gretel

Alohomora, bitches.

As always, the Chades (Character Design) Challenge is open to anyone who wants to contribute. If you have a Hansel & Gretel design of your own, let me know and I'll post your art below. Otherwise, you can join in February 8th for a special Chades Challenge in honor of Jules Verne's birthday...

Chades Challenge LXXVII
Steampunk Cloudsurfers

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Everett and I were brainstorming candidates for his 365 Supers blog yesterday, and we came up with "TriCarrotTops." I immediately wondered what would happen if a proper comet hit a prop comic, and came up with this monstrosity.

Ev went an entirely different direction with, "TriCaretTop".

Interestingly enough, Ev informed me that karat not only refers to the purity of a diamond, but also the triangular cut. How fitting for our three-horned hero!

12 days...

Sunday, January 13, 2013

He Does Machines

Earlier today, I tweeted this quick sketch with the caption, "Taking napkin doodles to the next level!" with my childhood favorite ninja turtle, Donatello.

Little did I know Donatello himself, Rob Paulsen, would be digging the sketch hours later! The internet is a weird and awesome place.

Thanks to my pal Chris Chua for helping get the sketch out there!

21 days...

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Nom Nom Nom'd

Congrats to Minkyu and the rest of our fantastic crew! I had the pleasure of working on this beaut, and I told Minkyu the first time he pitched it to me that he'd be taking home the Oscar. An amazing film with a wonderful message. Can't wait to share Adam and Dog with the world!

24 days...

Friday, December 28, 2012

Chades Challenge LXXIV: Shiny Sleds

Before he adopted the cosmic surfboard, the herald of Galactus was known as The Silver Sledder!

As always, the Chades (Character Design) Challenge is open to anyone who wants to contribute. If you have a shiny sled design of your own, let me know and I'll post your art below. Otherwise, you can join in January 11th for...

Chades Challenge LXXV:
Abominable Snowshoe Rabbits

37 days...

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Mean Caricature Night


Last night, a group of artists from work convened at Cato's in Piedmont for a "Mean Caricatures Night." The portraits started off innocent enough...

The first drawings were simple, literal...

 ...some were even elegant.

As we kept drinking, we began to come out of our shells a little, pushing proportions.

But each picture intensified with each pitcher imbibed.

Soon, the portraits were progressing from human... subhuman... inhuman altogether.

Every time we thought we'd pushed a likeness as far as it could go...

...someone would up the ante!

...and then remove the portrait from the kingdom mammalia entirely.

 Teeth quickly became an area of interest. Some exaggerations were subtle...

 ...others, not so subtle.

Noses soon followed.

One can never make the nose too droopy or drippy, I say.

And where there are teeth and noses, you also get jowls...




Even posture!

The trick, we found, was to place one page on top of another...


...pushing and pulling the expressions to new, excellently horrific levels.

Sometimes it's not enough to have a face on just one part of your body. No one was safe.

No, not even I was safe.

My favorite of the night (and a new Facebook profile picture, I think), is this beauty from Louise Smythe that I like to call, "Malice in Wonderland."

It was a wonderful evening of inspiration, perspiration, and depravation. It's amazing how much creativity one can gain from a few beers and some second-hand sharpie fumes.

5 days...