Showing posts with label star trek. Show all posts
Showing posts with label star trek. Show all posts

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Chades Challenge LXXX: Klingons!

In anticipation for Star Trek Into Darkness (which was UH-MAZING), a few of us at work did a character design challenge. The subject: KLINGONS! The three sketches below are my take on the galactic mongols.

"Who ate the last slice of cake??"

To the Bat'lethmobile!

Which end goes up?

If you have any Dino-Riding designs of your own, let me know and I'll post them below, along with my coworkers' designs. Everyone is invited to contribute! Otherwise, you can join in May 31st for...


Louise "Bagel Monday" Smythe

Jeff "Lens Flare" Pidgeon

And my personal favorite from Christian Roman: "Cameo?"

26 days...

Friday, August 24, 2012

Chades Challenge LXVIII: Captive Frontiersmen

A lot of people envy Captain Kirk, but I think that same charm that won over Shahna, the gladiatorial dominatrix from Triskelion, also attracted some much less savory attention. Way to boldly go where no man has gone before, Cap'n.

If you have any designs of your own, let me know and I'll post them below. As always, all are welcome to contribute! Otherwise, you can join in September 7th for...


11 days...