Showing posts with label harry potter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label harry potter. Show all posts

Friday, January 25, 2013

Chades Challenge LXXVI: Hansel & Gretel

Alohomora, bitches.

As always, the Chades (Character Design) Challenge is open to anyone who wants to contribute. If you have a Hansel & Gretel design of your own, let me know and I'll post your art below. Otherwise, you can join in February 8th for a special Chades Challenge in honor of Jules Verne's birthday...

Chades Challenge LXXVII
Steampunk Cloudsurfers

Monday, November 12, 2012

Tender Moments with Voldemort

I like to think that every once in a while, maybe around Christmas time, He Who Must Not Be Named felt a pang or two of remorse and maybe even loneliness.

But probably not.

32 days...

Friday, October 26, 2012

Chades Challenge LXXI: British Trick-Or-Treaters

I bet the most popular Halloween costume at Hogwarts is Jedi. With telekinesis and mind control, I'll bet the little witches and wizards make very convincing Force-users!

If you have any British Trick-or-Treaters, let me know and I'll post them below. Otherwise you can join in November 9th for...


5 days...

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A Poster for Ariel

My friend Kai asked me to draw up a poster for a girl named Ariel who has been struggling with cancer. Kai's idea was to have Ariel's 'Avengers' (her favorite characters) assembled to support her. I'm glad Merida made the cut!

Here's Kai with the final poster. When I was a kid, I was always comforted by visuals of heroic figures like Superman and Luke Skywalker, so I hope this poster does the same for Ariel, who is as brave as any hero could hope to be!

23 days...

Friday, September 09, 2011


Let's face it, the whole thing was the hat's fault. While we're on the subject, is it just me or does the sorting hat bear a striking resemblance to Oogie Boogie? Okay, it's not just me.  

If you have any contributions, let me know and I'll post them below. Or you can join in September 23rd for: 


Sunday, July 31, 2011

Potter Reaches a Billion

Harry Potter  joined Toy Story 3 on the other side of the billion dollar mark this weekend. Congrats, you guys!

1 day...

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Micro Rex Thumbnails
My friend Cat and I were discussing the importance of showing failures, especially the kind that pave the way to final "finished" artwork. Here are some explorational sketches for the Micro Rex paintings, most of which were altered to make the story point clearer.

The Micro Micro Rex: I wanted to see what the series would look like lined up in sequence, so I did these teeny-tiny thumbnails.

The original concept for A Visit from Mr. Odonata was Rex meeting a caterpillar on a mushroom, a little homage to one of my favorite Disney films. Ultimately, a dragonfly was an easier idea to run with (literally).

Unused story ideas include Micro Rex exploring behind a waterfall and an alternate death: swimming with a hungry Elasmosaur.

The second piece, Shoo Fly!, was pretty much the same from concept to execution. The composition was slightly altered to allow for more space.

Dino Soars was originally intended as an up-shot of Micro Rex leaping over us. I changed the perspective when I decided to have Micro leaping over a tarpit wth a Dalorean in it. Ultimately, I ditched the Dalorean (mostly because it distracted from the main story, but also because it was too hard to draw).

I toyed around momentarily with doing Micro Raptor instead (seen upper-left).

First Kill was surprisingly hard to stage. I kept getting notes from my friend that it was difficult to read the dragonfly under Micro's foot, and nobody could tell that it was a leg in his mouth, or what he was looking at in the background.

Ultimately, I had to give the dragonfly a clear silhouette on the ground and use color to pop Micro on the cliff away from the distant pterosaurs on the beach in the background.

This damn piece was the most difficult and the most fun. I really wanted that feeling of a puppy chasing birds on a beach, and that sudden spontaneous commotion of a flock taking flight. I'm not sure if it worked in the final piece, Rex on the Beach, but it was a blast sketching tons of pterosaurs.

The final painting, The Ill-Fated King, was planned pretty much from the beginning, and had the simplest staging of all. The challenge was to make the final painting as clear as the original thumbnail.

Other story ideas involved Micro Rex rough-housing with a bullfrog, and exploring a Triceratops herd.

If anyone's wondering what happens to our little pal after he gets dropped into the Anhanguera nest, don't worry. That's the beach where Voldemort hides all his horcruxes, and the He Who Must Not Be Named came to Micro's rescue. Anhanguera kedavra!

10 days...

Friday, November 19, 2010


I was going to draw something with Brian Wilson "schooling" the Rangers, but since I drew this while in line for The Deathly Hallows, it was impossible not to draw everyone's favorite giant siblings: Hagrid and Grawp.

Any other giants out there? If so, lemme know and I'll post below. Or join us Friday, December 3rd for...



0 days...Expelliarmus!

And, just for fun, here's Emma and I at work today, turning the saturation up to 11 (with matching beverages)!!! Looks like it's another Tragic Fashion Friday.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Street Magic

With the series coming to an end, Mr. Radcliffe may find his schedule deathly hollow.

Contribute your own Street Magician to Everett Downing's Sketchoholic contest! Submissions are due Saturday.