Showing posts with label bluebirds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bluebirds. Show all posts

Thursday, February 13, 2014


6 x 6 inches
©Ann Thompson Nemcosky

Sometimes the sunlight falls just so through my living room window and I am able to capture a scene perfect for painting. This was one of those times. The sun streaming through the window and reflections from the little glass bluebird figurine created interesting patterns of color and light. I have had this image in my stash of references for some time but it has taken me until now to feel brave enough to attempt to paint from it. I am now glad that I did, it was a fun challenge, and a nice escape on these snowy winter days.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

There I go again

Looking East
colored pencil on paper
9 x 7 inches
copyright 2007 by Ann Thompson Nemcosky

Welcome back to my identity crisis. I actually think I really have it right this time though. So what is 'Blue Bird Hill'? It's a name I had a while back for an e-business. I no longer have that e-business but after some very good advice I decided to retain the name. And I do still have some things tied to the 'Blue Bird Hill' name. Plus I kind of like it.

Which got me thinking, yes again, about the name I have on this blog and what I hope it to become and reasoned that this is now "Blue Bird Hill' for me. It's about where I live and the fact that bluebirds are somewhat rare and elusive in nature. They have very particular nesting habits. It's all about location. Bluebirds, I have heard, prefer nesting in houses of just the right size that are placed precisely at the edges of fields and wooded areas. We were fortunate enough to attract a pair of bluebirds to a nesting box in our yard one spring.

The drawing above is a re-posting of this image. It's also the image I used to get my header. One of the things that interests me about landscapes, besides the qualities of light and color, is the edges. Where grassy fields meet wooded areas and the shapes of the land that are found there. Hope you don't mind seeing it again.


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