
Ph.D in Phonetic Acoustics (University of Paris 6, France, 2007)

"Communication in noisy environments : from adaptation to vocal straining".(pdf) (publications)

Laboratoire d'Acoustique Musicale (CNRS, University Paris VI, Ministere de la culture).

Supervised by Nathalie Henrich (acoustics of voice) and Daniele Dubois (psycholinguistics).

MSc ATIAM in Musical acoustics (University of Paris 6, France, 2003)

"Perceptual and acoustical study of voice quality in western operatic singing".(publications)

Laboratoire d'Acoustique Musicale (CNRS, University Paris VI, Ministere de la culture).

Supervised by Nathalie Henrich, Daniele Dubois, Michele Castellengo and Jacques Poitevineau.

Undergraduate engineering degree in Data Processing and Computer Sciences (ENSERG, Grenoble INP, France, 2002).

End of curriculum project at INA/GRM (music research group in Radio France) : Development in C++ of a VST plugin of additive synthesis

Last year in ERASMUS program at the Technical University of Munich (TUM)

Internship at PHILIPS Set Top Boxes (2001). Development in Java of a test tool.

See whole Curriculum Vitae