National Geographic's Collectors Corner

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National Geographic Magazine

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This community was created to facilitate communication between collectors, dealers, and anyone interested in the history of National Geographic publications. Please use the forums area below to buy, sell, trade, and swap stories and information.

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Another NG Collectors Corner (on Facebook)

Started by Keith Sargent in Buy/Sell/Trade Sep 4.

I have 2012-2017 - Best offer

Started by Dan Smith in Buy/Sell/Trade Aug 31.

100 Years Ago: September 1924 1 Reply

Started by George Thomas Wilson in Discussions. Last reply by Keith Sargent Sep 1.

Supplement to the Japanese Edition of the August 2024 National Geographic Magazine 1 Reply

Started by George Thomas Wilson in Discussions. Last reply by Scott T. Shier Sep 1.

Error Message During NG DVD Install 3 Replies

Started by Keith Sargent in Resources & Links. Last reply by Juan Carlos Herrera del Castillo Sep 10.


Started by george warren in Buy/Sell/Trade. Last reply by george warren Aug 25.

100 Years Ago: August 1924 1 Reply

Started by George Thomas Wilson in Discussions. Last reply by Juan Carlos Herrera del Castillo Aug 11.

1985-1990 needing to sell 1 Reply

Started by Bonnie Bauer in Buy/Sell/Trade. Last reply by Keith Sargent Aug 26.

"Afghan Girl" - custom art portrait on eBay . . . 6 Replies

Started by Scott T. Shier in Discussions. Last reply by george warren Aug 21.

100 Years Ago: July 1924 6 Replies

Started by George Thomas Wilson in Discussions. Last reply by George Thomas Wilson Aug 27.

100 Years Ago: June 1924 1 Reply

Started by George Thomas Wilson in Discussions. Last reply by Scott T. Shier Jun 13.

Map of Africa of march 1909 2 Replies

Started by michel in Discussions. Last reply by george warren May 23.

Voyager 1 is Back, Baby! 8 Replies

Started by George Thomas Wilson in Discussions. Last reply by George Thomas Wilson on Monday.

Error Message During National Geographic DVD Install 4 Replies

Started by Keith Sargent in Buy/Sell/Trade. Last reply by George Thomas Wilson May 9.

Large older collection for sale... 1 Reply

Started by Paul in Buy/Sell/Trade. Last reply by Keith Sargent Aug 26.

100 Years Ago: May 1924 1 Reply

Started by George Thomas Wilson in Discussions. Last reply by George Thomas Wilson Apr 27.

Large collection for sale 1 Reply

Started by William Miller in Buy/Sell/Trade. Last reply by Keith Sargent Aug 26.

Latest Activity

George Thomas Wilson posted a photo

NGM 2024-10 B

Newsstand Version of the Cover to the October 2024 National Geographic Magazine
15 hours ago
George Thomas Wilson posted photos
George Thomas Wilson replied to George Thomas Wilson's discussion Voyager 1 is Back, Baby!
"Voyager 2 was sent on a longer, slower arc to Jupiter.  Since it was due to arrive at Jupiter four months after Voyager 1, it made sense to name the first one launched, #2.  BTW, Voyager 2 reached Saturn, a whole year after Voyager 1."
Scott T. Shier replied to George Thomas Wilson's discussion Voyager 1 is Back, Baby!
"Do you happen to know why that was? "
Keith Sargent updated their profile
Keith Sargent left a comment for James Catlin
"Thanks for the offer of Oct. 1908. But I found a nice copy for $25. Now I just need Jan. 1908. There are two out there with cover detached or missing for $35. Ridiculous! Interesting you are in Las Vegas, since that's the city I grew up in. I…"
Keith Sargent and James Catlin are now friends
Robert Canik posted a discussion

Giving away National Geographic from the early 1970s

Found 31 National Geographic magazines in the attic of an old house and I would like to give them to someone that will appreciate them1970 May - December1971 All year1972 Jan - Octand Jan of 1968See More
Sep 11


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