Showing posts with label Arizona/The Boulders. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Arizona/The Boulders. Show all posts

Saturday, April 14, 2012

A Message from my Blog-Mistress...

Today I was tad worried that my therapist would think I was  
TOTALLY off my rocker when told told him I have a bra named Olga 
who travels around the world & I blog about her adventures.

But he just smiled & said, 
"I think you should start writing/blogging again." 

I think so too!  And I've been meaning to for a WHILE.  But honestly, my personal life has been so crazy & stressful these past couple of years that my creative juices just dried up & I lost the desire to blog.
(sorry Olga)

But now that things are starting to look UP
I realize there's no one better equipped to provide me with 
some much needed support,
a little pick-me-up, 
a gentle shove, 
a great big BOOST 
than Olga!

So, Olga's exciting globe-trotting adventures will be back  
just as soon as I finish sifting thru' a bazillion photos 
& remember where I left her hanging 2-1/2 years ago...

I think it was in Arizona...
 where she got heat stroke & went kinda CRAZY...
 ...throwing herself at & hanging all over the local guys!
(even ones who were obviously giant pricks)

...and making a fool of herself by lusting after & yelling at the local gals:
 "Woo-Hoo! NICE rock formations!
Come on Baby lemme be your Boulder Holder!!!" 

Oh Gawd, it's all coming back to me now....
HOW could I forget?!!!