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Showing posts with label Donna Graham. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Donna Graham. Show all posts

Friday, November 7, 2008

Congrats to Mitchell and Stephen...

Michael, Andrea, and Kevin (art instructors at Coastal Carolina Community College) announce the winners of the CCCC Juried Art Show. The juried entries and winning works will be on exhibit in the Fine Arts Building at the college through the next week and a half.

Our own Mitchell Morton and Stephen Greer take top honors.
LtoR... Penny Morton, Mitchell, Stephen, and Donna Graham.

Mitchell won "Best of Show" with this painting.

Stephen won second place with this portrait of Donna.

Mitchell and Donna posing with one of Mitchell's paintings.

Stephen's other work was a self portrait.

Mitchell posing with another one of his paintings juried into the show.

Christian, Olivia, Savannah, and Bernie were there to show their support... and eat the snacks!
Congratulations Mitchell and Stephen.... keep up the GREAT work!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Donna Graham highlighted in the Daily News recently PLUS Cool event Sunday at the Council for the Arts.

Check out this special event and the newspaper article...
Recognize one of the ladies in the Daily News photo?
Congrats Donna!

Click on image to enlarge...

Read more about this project, the authors, and the poets in this online Daily News article by ANIESA HOLMES...

A new chapter for talent.... Council for Arts publishes book with local writers

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Some Finished Works from the Nov. "Paint Out"

This just in... some finished paintings from OOPS artists from the November "Paint Out" in Swansboro... More to come soon!

Mitchell Morton...
Donna Graham....
Donna Tyree...

Earl Tyree...

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Meet OOPS Artist... Donna Graham

photo by Thomas Brock

Artist ~ Donna Graham

In Fall 2006, I was encouraged by an artist-friend to "pick up a brush and see what happens." I have become an artist (of sorts) …self-taught, wonderfully mentored, and on a journey…

My inner adventures:
I was instantly “taken” with this wonderful form of self-expression!!! While I am a “newbie,” I find that each day that I paint, I learn something new – about myself, about how paint “moves,” about the many techniques, and, especially, about my emotions (and how they become intertwined in the piece I am doing). In the few months that I have been painting, I have dabbled in oils, acrylics, watercolor, and mixed media -– and have not quite found my niche for the medium I most prefer. Living on the North Carolina coast, I am naturally drawn to the serene, coastal images – but, BEST OF ALL, I enjoy putting what I see, feel, and know onto a canvas.

My outward adventures:
I recently entered a juried art show as part of my artistic learning. While not accepted into this first show, I learned so much – and am inspired to forge ahead. THEN, I joined a group of artist friends and experienced (for the first time) painting "en plein aire" -- translated as "in open air.” I was so exited about what I had experienced this day that I was on my phone before I reached my front door telling a friend all about the wonderful-ness of the day.

Vist my art blog here... River's Edge Studio