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Showing posts with label May Paint Out 2008. Show all posts
Showing posts with label May Paint Out 2008. Show all posts

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Great turnout for the May Paint Out at the Banks Party

OOPS artists present... LtoR: Bernie, Dean, Karen, Earl, Donna T., Stephen, Eileen, Patsy, Mitchell, and Pat.

The Banks Party was a success and we look forward to returning next year...

Monday, May 5, 2008

May Paint Out "Finished Works"

Our floating May Paint Out at the Civil War Living History Event was a little disappointing. The weather was great Saturday but Sunday morning started out with showers. The poor turn out of reenactors for the event added to the disappointment. Thank goodness for the calvary camp...they stole the show.... the infantry camp had one tent! Earl, Donna, Bernie, Mitchell, and Dean painted Saturday and Karen dropped by for a visit. We kind of missed the camaraderie that we're used to with the spread out time frame... live and learn.

Click on images to enlarge...
Earl Tyree
Mitchell Morton
6x12" Oil on panel...

Bernie Rosage Jr.
Bernie added the soldiers from imagination to make the scene look alive. The wind was a bit of a challenge Saturday afternoon.

8x10" Oil on Linen on panel...


Dean Remington
Dean literally painted this one in the dark... we had to carry it over to a street light to see it!
9x12" Oil on panel...

Thursday, May 1, 2008

May Paint Out this weekend Saturday May 3 and Sunday May 4 at Civil War Living History Event in Richlands.

Join us for an extended paint out this weekend at the Onslow County Museum in Richlands. Our May paint out is in conjunction with their annual Civil War Living History Weekend. The times for the paint out have been extended due to the awesome potential for unique plein air works timed with the weekend events. This paint out will be floating... in other words... come when you can. Saturday will offer the most excitement and the event usually dwindles out Sunday by noon. Several of us plan to paint Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning from about 8:00 AM until around noon. Come when you can... you won't want to miss this COOL event!

WHAT: OOPS May "Paint Out" at Civil War Living History Event

WHEN: Saturday, May 3, 2008 from 10:00 AM until 5:00 PM (or until they run us out) and
Sunday, May 4, 2008 from 8:00 AM until NOON.

WHERE: Onslow County Museum, Richlands, NC

WHY: Plein Air Painting... we're addicted!

A great chance to paint scenes with a variety of subjects from camp scenes, tents, Civil War era soldiers and civilians, flags, wagons, horses, cannons, still lifes, woodland scenes, etc...

Newbies welcome... all mediums and skill levels... simply show up with your gear and be prepared to have fun!

This is our last chance to paint before our exhibit at the Council for the Arts in June.

See ya'll there...