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Showing posts with label inventory. Show all posts
Showing posts with label inventory. Show all posts

Friday, May 16, 2008

OOPS June Exhibit Inventory...

The following OOPS Artists paintings (possibly more) will be on display at the Council for the Arts in June.

ATTENTION OOPS ARTISTS: Please be thinking about a price (if you want to sell them) and a title for your works to be exhibited.

PO denotes "Paint Out"
10-07 PO ~ Pellitier House
Karen, 12" x 16", oil
Mitchell, Acrylic
11-07 PO ~ Downtown Swansboro
Bernie, 8x10", Oil
Dean 8x10, oil
Karen 12" x 16", oil
Earl, Oil, 11x14
Donna T, Acrylic,11 x 14
Mitchell, oil
12-07 PO ~ Aman Farm
Bernie, 9x12", Oil
Eileen, 8x10", pencil
Karen, 11" x 14", oil
Earl, Oil, 11x14
Donna T, Acrylic, 11 x 14
Mitchell, oil
1-08 PO ~ Heart's Desire Equine, Bear Creek
Bernie, 9x12", Oil
Dean 9x12, oil
Karen, 12" x 16", oil
Patsy, 11x14 Pencil/Pastel/Colored Pencil
Earl, Oil, 11x14
Donna T, Acrylic, 11 x 14
Mitchell, oil
Pat, Watercolor
Stephen, Acrylic, 12 x 16
Kathi Lenn - Pastel 11x14
2-08 PO ~ Faulkner Estate, Bear Creek
Bernie, 6x12", Oil
Dean 11x14, oil
Karen, 12" x 16", oil
Patsy, 16x20, Acrylic
Earl, Oil, 11 x14
Mitchell, oil
Stephen, Acrylic 12x24
Kathi Lenn - Pastel 11x14
3-08 PO ~ Downtown Jacksonville (Old Train Depot)
Bernie, 8x10", Oil and 14"x18" Oil
Dean (?)
Karen 11" x 14", oil
Patsy 8 1/2 x 15 1/2, Acrylic
Donna T, Acrylic, 11 x 14
Mitchell, oil
Pat, Watercolor
4-08 PO ~ Beriut Memorial
Bernie, 10x8", Oil
Olivia, 10x8", acrylic
Dean 9x12 oil
Patsy 16 3/4 x 10, Acrylic
Earl, Oil, 11x14
Donna T, Acrylic, 21 x 11
Mitchell, oil
Pat, Watercolor
Stephen, (2) Acrylic 12x8, Acrylic 12x10
Kathi Lenn - watercolor 11x14
5-08 PO ~ Civil War Encampment, Richlands
Bernie, 8x10", Oil
Dean 9x12 oil
Earl, Oil, 11 x 14
Mitchell, oil
Kinston Paint Out
Bernie, (2) 8x10's, Oil
Mitchell, (3) oil paintings
Stephen, (3) Acrylic 12x24, Acrylic 12x24, Acrylic 13x12
Kathi Lenn - (4) 2 watercolors 9x12, 2 watercolors 11x14
Extra Plein Air Outings
Eileen 8x10", pencil
Dean 9x12 & 11x14, oil
Karen, Orton Plantation, 12" x 16" oil
Kathi Lenn - (2) pastels both 11x14