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Showing posts with label july 2009 paint out. Show all posts
Showing posts with label july 2009 paint out. Show all posts

Thursday, July 16, 2009

OOPS members in Trenton...

Lovely weather and setting made for a great paint out day in Trenton for those who could attend. Eileen, Dean, and Mitchell (hope I'm not leaving out anyone) represented OOPS and these photos are courtesy of Dean... Thanks Dean!

Eileen Garbett enjoying the day to paint. Eileen has organized our next paint out set for August 30th at Tarkil Branch Homestead and Museum... click link to check out this awesome site... make plans to attend!

Jammin' and dancing in front of Willow Faye's art gallery!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

July Paint Out set for the 11th in Trenton, NC

WHAT: OOPS July "Paint Out"

WHEN: Saturday, July 11, 2009 ~ 9AM-until

WHERE: Trenton, NC ~ Organized by Willow Faye... see her note below for all the details.

WHY: Plein Air Painting... What can we say... we're addicted!

Newbies welcome... all mediums and skill levels... simply show up with your gear and be prepared to have fun!

What the heck is OOPS and how do I join the FUN?

WHAT ELSE: See Willow Faye's note below...

Bernie here are some details...

The Jones County Heritage Festival will be held on Saturday, July 11 from 10 to 4... Setup for downtown is 9am. John Moore will Grand Marshall the festival parade down main street at 10 am. Artists and crafts people will be set up on downtown Trenton sidewalks. Other attractions will include the Brock Mill House, plus lots of fun activities at the Jones County Civic Center. The festival is an old timey family celebration of rural like heritage skills like makin lye soap, churning butter, operating non-mechanized tools, looping tobacco, making handmade quilts, shelling corn by hand, entertainment and etc... We have places like the old Hardware store, the courthouse, the old tire company, the downtown businesses as a whole, the farmers market and the old churches in the downtown area that your oops group could paint. You could also paint all the people at the parade, downtown festival, the Brock Mill House and pond, and scene at the civic center all during the day from 10 - 4. My place of business is right downtown Trenton and I will be there at 8 am to begin the farmers market and give direction for all arts and crafts booths to set up along the sidewalks.
Willow Faye

PS... Each member could also set up a booth by their easels and sell their artwork. We could also
also set up a booth for advertising OOPs.

Willow Faye Stroud