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Showing posts with label Yin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yin. Show all posts

Thursday, December 02, 2010

Yin the Master of Yo! BOOKS ARE HERE!!!!!!

THE WAIT IS OVER!!! The books have finally arrived. I am so so grateful for those who have supported me thus far. Without you all this would not be possible. These books look fantastic. Brandstudio Press did an amazing job on the printing. The production of this book was a dream come true for me. With the aid of my super talented friends who helped me out along the way, this book is a true testament to my creative vision and showcases what I'm truly capable of. I'm living proof that anything is possible. This first run of the book is limited to 1000 copies and is sure to become a collectors item. It's packed with 40 full color pages of wonderful artwork by yours truly. The eyepopping text & design by DanisGood is sure to attract. And it also has a special forward by the U.S. Yo-Yo Master Steve Brown The story is fun and enjoyable for all ages. So what are you waiting for? Start your Christmas shopping by giving the gift of reading! All you have to do is click the add to cart button there on the top right and order as many copies as you want!

Click the play button below to see more art on the inside.

Friday, August 20, 2010

WE DID IT!!!!!

we finally reached our goal, and then some. I am so so grateful for those who helped contribute. We couldn't have done it without you. I want to thank all of my dear friends, family and those of you who believed in this project as much as we did. It's such a blessing to have people like you in our corner. I am so elated right now. I can't believe we did it! Just to let you know, any additional funds we raise will be used to take our book to conferences and conventions. I will be putting in our print order for the book next week and I will keep posting updates on the process. We really appreciate all of you so much for your help in making this dream come true.



Tuesday, March 02, 2010

My first indy kids book is almost done.

Here is a spot illustration I did today for my first independent kids book. It's been literally 7 years in the making (off and on) of me trying to get this book done. Thanks to a few of my close friends for helping me out here and there as well as them urging me to finish. I'm finally nearing the end. I'll be posting more updates as I finish things up. For now enjoy the new art.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Sample page to my kids book

I just finished this 2 page spread to my kids book this morning and thought I'd share it here. It takes a lot of dedication to do your own thing. I catch myself wanting to go back over and redo certain things, but I force myself to press on and knock out these pages. It's all about getting the story out, right? (At least that's what I keep telling myself) Well, back to work on the next page. I'm hoping to have all of my illustrations for this thing done by the end of the month.