Showing posts with label jobs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jobs. Show all posts

Creative Artist's from Carter's are presenting at SCAD this Wed.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

One of the largest most successful children's clothing companies headquarters is right here in Atlanta. Carter’s is the number one children’s brand, selling over 10 products for every child born in the U.S. Two of there full-time Creative Artist's will be coming to SCAD to do a show and tell of there process and give some tips and tricks in their tool of choice, Adobe Illustrator. Jason Oransky and Diana Johnson will give valuable insight into the world of retail design and illustration. They will share practical real world examples of how they decide and produce all those cute and marketable illustrations to the parents and kids of the U.S. and abroad.

Here's the low down.

Who: Carter's Creative Artist's - Jason Oransky and Diana Johnson
What: Illustration presentation and demo in Adobe Illustrator CS3.
When: Wednesday, July 9th at 2:30-3:30...maybe 4.
Where: Mac Lab 342

This is held during the ILLU 226 Electronic Illustration class. Any and all SCAD students are more than welcome to come but seating is limited, especially Illustration and Graphic Design Majors.

Go here for photos and commentary from a Carter's field trip that SCAD Illustration students had this Winter.


The event was a huge success! Bigger turnout than expected. Diana and Jason shared new and incredibly valuable information about the clothing industry and techniques in Illustrator. I think more people are fans of Illustrator as a better tool than Photoshop because of this event.


Mind's Eye Class Field Trip

Monday, October 22, 2007

On October 19th I had scheduled a field trip for 3 of my classes at Mind's Eye. An illustration, photography studio in Atlanta. Mind's Eye was extremely hospitable and giving of their time and insight. Donuts, milk, juice and water were served while we tried to keep our hands clean thumbing through their 3 very impressive portfolios. Leo Mustaki and Mike Bailey showed us around and met their extremely talented employees. Everyone agreed that it was a great time, very informative and helpful to see a place where full-time illustrators work and what is required of them. Much better than a Hub lecture, if you know what I mean!

I talked with them afterwards and told them that I would be sure to get them involved with career day or a portfolio review in the near future and on a regular basis. They say that based on the growth they hire a new illustrator about once a year.

These are two photos of most of the students that came.

I spent a little too much time dressing this one up. Thought it was appropriate for the wacked out shot.
Mind's Eye Wacked!

The more professional serious shot got blurred when taken. Oh Well.
Mind's Eye  Group Blurry Shot

Jay Montgomery

Illustrator jobs link page

Monday, October 8, 2007

Illustration majors,

I've been working on a list of links mainly related to illustration using my account which is a social bookmarking site. I just updated it to include some links to info about careers in illustration. This a small sampling of links to a variety of full-time, part-time, freelance and internship opportunities for recent grads-to seasoned professionals in the field illustration. Some require at 2 years or more experience, but it can't hurt to submit you resume and portfolio when the time is right. If you are still figuring out what you want to do after you graduate these links might give some insight and some goals to strive for. I am constantly adding new links to this page. Check it out!
