Showing posts with label watercolor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label watercolor. Show all posts

Winter Treat

Winter Treat
9" x 12" watercolor - framed

Some winter days make me so cold that I need to warm up from the inside out. That's when I reach for some hot chocolate and my favorite pottery mug. For a real treat I add a couple of Oreo cookies. In this piece, I used the warm brown shadows to show the heat of the chocolate as it warms my hands and slides down my throat, offering protection from the winter cold represented in the cool blue surface the mug rests on.

The picture below is intended to show the size of the framed painting. Please do not judge colors from this image, but rather use the unframed image above.

See here for the answers to commonly asked questions.

Snowy Snack

Snowy Snack
14" x 11"

This little bird showed up on my deck railing to enjoy a winter snack served up on a peanut butter coated pine cone. He was all fluffed up against the cold, but seemed to enjoy the easy pickins. He may be small, but when he invites his friends over they can wipe out that pine cone pretty quickly.

The picture below is intended to show the size of the framed painting. Please do not judge colors from this image, but rather use the unframed image above.

See here for the answers to commonly asked questions.

Season's Reflections

Season's Reflections
12" x 10" watercolor- framed

One of the few things I collect (besides art supplies!) is glass Christmas ornaments. I love the way they catch the tree lights and seem to magnify their shine. Many of my ornaments were given to me as gifts or purchased while on vacation with my family. As I unwrap them every year, they bring back wonderful memories. I love reminiscing about the origin of each ornament as I decorate the tree. In this painting I tried to capture those feelings in the warm glow of the lights reflected in the star.

The picture below is intended to show the size of the framed painting. Please do not judge colors from this image, but rather use the unframed image above.

See here for the answers to commonly asked questions.

Jelly Jar

Jelly Jar
8" x 10" watercolor - matted

Homemade jelly makes a wonderful gift and my family is thankful for every jar we are given. I snuck this jar up to my studio as soon as I brought it home so I could paint it before the rest of the family found it. I knew how it would glow from the late afternoon sun that comes in my windows next to my art table. I couldn't wait to paint that beautiful glow.

The picture below is intended to show the size of the matted painting. Please do not judge colors from this image, but rather use the image above.

See here for the answers to commonly asked questions.

Clear Favorites

Clear Favorites
9" x 12" watercolor - framed

Being a mom of young children, I often receive special gifts - gifts which my kids find for me while they are outside playing. These presents are my favorites to receive because they are given with such love and pride. I have a collection of mini-vases that I use to display these items. They are the perfect size to hold dandelions gone to seed or hydrangea flowers that fell off the plant.

The picture below is intended to show the size of the framed painting. Please do not judge colors from this image, but rather use the unframed image above.

See here for the answers to commonly asked questions.


9" x 12" watercolor - framed

You know you are an artist if you wander the produce section of your local grocery store looking for something to paint. I saw this pomegranate on sale for $2.50 and thought that was a bit steep for a fruit that is a lot of work to eat and not very filling. But as I took a closer look, I noticed its not quite round shape and I began to admire its nice red color. Hmm...maybe $2.50 wasn't that much after all...for reference material!

The picture below is intended to show the size of the framed painting. Please do not judge colors from this image, but rather use the unframed image above.

See here for the answers to commonly asked questions.

Familiar Blush

Familiar Blush
9" x 12" watercolor - framed

I love the little blush of red that sometimes appears on green pears. I had the idea that cranberries would "pair" nicely with one of these blushing pears because of the common color and similar shapes. So I tried the combination on my kitchen table and a painting was born.

The picture below is intended to show the size of the framed painting. Please do not judge colors from this image, but rather use the unframed image above.

See here for the answers to commonly asked questions.

Leaf Series

Leaf series
3 original framed watercolors - each 10" x 8"

If you are interested in buying all three paintings in this leaf series, please use the button below.

See here for the answers to commonly asked questions.

If you you prefer to view a single painting, see the individual posts.

Leaves with Helicopters

Leaves with Helicopters
10" x 8" watercolor - framed

The last in my series of leaf pictures created from leaves I picked up during my autumn morning walks. This time in addition to leaves I found some helicopters - at least that's what we called them as kids. I remember throwing them up in the air and watching them twirl around as they fell back to the ground. One of the simple pleasures of fall for a kid, right up there with jumping in leaf piles.

The picture below is intended to show the size of the framed painting. Please do not judge colors from this image, but rather use the unframed image above.

See here for the answers to commonly asked questions.

Leaves with Grass

Leaves with Grass
10" x 8" watercolor - framed

More treasures from my autumn walks. This time I picked up the fuzzy top from some decorative grasses. I love feeling the texture of this grass between my fingers and how the colors of it echo the russet and gold of the leaves.

The picture below is intended to show the size of the framed painting. Please do not judge colors from this image, but rather use the unframed image above.

See here for the answers to commonly asked questions.

Single Beech Leaf

Single Beech Leaf
10" x 8" watercolor - framed

I love autumn. It is my favorite season. I love the smells, the cool evenings and most of all the glorious color. When I am out taking my morning walks in the fall, I can't resist picking up a pretty leaf...or maybe two...or possibly ten. The golds in this leaf were just changing to browns when I picked it up and brought it home. I wanted to capture these warm colors before they were gone.

The picture below is intended to show the size of the framed painting. Please do not judge colors from this image, but rather use the unframed image above.

See here for the answers to commonly asked questions.

Uncle John's Peppers

Uncle John's Peppers
16" x 12" watercolor- framed

These peppers were grown in my uncle's fabulous garden. He gave me a bag of at least eight red peppers. I wasn't sure we would be able to eat them all before they went bad, and I didn't want to waste them. So the next best thing? Why painting them of course!! I really enjoyed painting the dark shadows created by this pepper pile-up.

(We did manage to eat them after I got a yummy stuffed pepper recipe from my mom.)

See here for the answers to commonly asked questions.

Tranquil Spring Day, Burnside Plantation

Tranquil Spring Day
14" x 11" watercolor - framed

I painted this after spending a beautiful Spring morning sketching at Burnside Plantation in Bethlehem. I was attracted to the peaceful views and the beautiful variety of greens that Spring brings.

See here for the answers to commonly asked questions.


18" x 14" watercolor - framed

When I am looking to enjoy the colors of autumn, nothing beats a trip to the Farmers' Market. This painting reminds me of all I like best about autumn - crisp, bright colors; crisp, juicy apples; crisp, cool nights lit by smiling jack-o-lanterns.

The picture below is intended to show the size of the framed painting. Please do not judge colors from this image, but rather use the unframed image above.

See here for answers to commonly asked questions.

Detwiller House, Easton

Detwiller House
16" x 15" watercolor-framed

The Detwiller House is located on the center square in Easton, PA. I am attracted to the elegance and detail of it's architecture and amazed that it exists on a building that is over 150 years old! Some day I would love to save a beautiful, old building and restore it. Until that day comes, I will satisfy my urge by painting them. I hope my paintings reveal their beauty and value to at least one other person who hasn't seen it on their own yet.

A little history...
This building was once owned by Dr. Henry Detwiller (1795-1887). Dr. Detwiller actively practiced medicine for 72 years!

The picture below is intended to show you the size of the framed painting.

watercolor painting of building Center Square Easton PA

Updated 1/11/09 with better photos.


Queen of the Winter Garden
10" x 8" watercolor - framed

The reference for this cabbage came from the Virtual Sketch Date challenge. I was immediately drawn to the beautiful purples and how they work so well with the chalky blues and greens. Combine them with the rich darks and that one sharp white edge and it makes for a great little painting.

The picture below is intended to show the size of the framed painting. Please do not judge colors from this image, but rather use the unframed image above.

See here for the answers to commonly asked questions.


16" x 20" watercolor - framed

I often spend time in Bethlehem and have fallen in love with the beautiful stone construction of the Moravian buildings. One warm autumn afternoon I decided to take pictures of the old buildings. During my visit the sun illuminated the front of the Waterworks and the two trees which seem to stand guard with a beautiful golden light. Seeing this I knew it was time to pick up my brushes and do my part to preserve the beauty of this historic building.

A little history about the building...
In 1741 Moravians settled on the banks of the Lehigh River near the Monacacy Creek in what is now known as Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Many of their industrial buildings were built along the creek. This area is referred to as the Colonial Industrial Quarter. One of the buildings located there is the Waterworks. Built in 1762, the Waterworks housed America's first pumped town water system. The building is now recognized as a National Landmark.

See here for answers to commonly asked questions.