Showing posts with label Rockies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rockies. Show all posts


Photo Finish Friday: Athabasca Falls

I must confess, this was my camera, but not my hand/eye that took the shot.

I was so worn out, I didn't dare try to go down to see the falls, I wouldn't have made it back up. My friend kindly took my camera and took a few shots with it. Darn good shots too! Click to enlarge.

Have a good weekend all.

PFF is the creation of Leah over at The Goat's Lunch Pail.


My Road Trip Monday

I went to visit my sister, The Bag Lady who still lives in the area we grew up in. As she posts anonymously, all I can say is that it is a four-ish hour drive to get there from Edmonton, but we had lots of fun. Maybe one day I will convince her to come out and join the MTM.

Northern Alberta is full of rolling hills and boreal forests, interspersed with creeks and rivers in deep valleys. Pictures do not really do it justice and when traveling by the generosity of other people, there were not many opportunities to stop on the way there.

The return trip was a bit different, we took a different hwy & we were able to stop a couple of times and there were beautiful vistas to attempt to capture. That is when it wasn't raining - almost sleeting! We travelled back the long way in hopes of seeing our beautiful Rockies and were treated to some wonderful scenery. Alas the cost of gas and the short time available to us didn't allow us to do more than glimpse them from the foothills.

I put together a little video, I hope you enjoy it.

I will over the next while post some of the stills I took on the trip. There are so many to choose from that I would have wound up with a post that took two days to read.

As you may have noticed, Alberta has a lot of forest and yes, the softwood lumber industry is going strong. So is our gas & oil industry which is why it is a bit of a shock that our gas prices jumped because of "IKE"!

I hope this finds all of my Southern readers safe and protected from Ike's visit.

Have a good day all.

Not exactly a My Town Monday post, but if you would like to read about towns from all over the world drop by Travis Erwins Blog, he has links set up.