Showing posts with label birds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label birds. Show all posts


Photo Finish Friday: Fledgling

One of last weeks babies decided to try his(her?) wings. I'm not sure how long he was on my patio, but I had been hearing a one note peep going on all afternoon and it was driving me nuts!

I took a few shots then went outside to see if I could do anything, he scooted under my planter which gave me an opportunity for a better photo. I put a thin stick up at an angle to the bottom of the trellis, but he didn't figure that out. It probably wasn't high enough anyway. Mom and dad came by a couple of times to try to get him going, but, I didn't see them succeed before it got dark. Doesn't mean he spent the night under the planter though, but at least he would be safe from predators there. Here I was thinking of replacing that planter, I had better not ;)

Have a good weekend all.....I won't be around to reply as I will be in Jasper! Yes, I am going to the mountains ;) I'll catch up on Monday.

PFF is the invention of my cousin Leah over at The Goat's Lunch Pail.


Photo Finish Friday: Hungry?

 As close as I dared to get with my Sony.

Then I got out the Olympus to use the high powered zoom and managed to get two babies ;)

Have a good weekend all.

Pff is the creation of my cousin Leah over at The Goat's Lunch Pail.


Physio & Birds!

Well, I had my first physio appointment today for my hip. My therapists name is Joanne and she wants to try acupuncture on me next time! That should be interesting. In the meantime, she iced my hip and used a muscle stimulator then did some massage and gave me a few exercises to do. She isn't sure what is going on, but is not happy with the feel of the muscles in my thigh and the lack of motion. I think I will only get about 6 sessions paid for, so I hope it will be enough to do some good.

I was at my friends place the other evening for supper and while we were waiting for it to be cooked the birds decided to visit her yard & feeder.

He's very pretty isn't he?
Sorry for the blurry, but this is his back.
It sometimes gets a bit crowded!
So, they have to stand on each other! ;)

Have a good day all.


I'm a bit excited!

A friend and I usually take a walk around the neighbourhood in the evenings (about a mile) and tonight, we went a different direction. We saw at least three falcons! In the neighbourhood just south of where we live hanging around one of the school yards.

Just little ones and I ID'd them from the cry right off, as being either falcons or hawks, then we got a good look at the underside as one flew directly overhead.

Alas, I didn't have my camera with me and it was dusk enough that I couldn't be sure of the colouring.

We are going to go again a bit earlier tomorrow night - with camera and binoculars and sit quietly to see if we can catch sight of them again. Fast little buggers flyers that they are I may not get anything but blur.

I checked out What Bird and they may be either Merlins or a Sharp-Shinned Hawk, the Merlin call is closer though.

Hopefully I will have photos in the next day or so.

Have a good day.


This and that

This is the little bird that is nesting in the house outside my apartment. I think it is a sparrow of some kind, but isn't it cute?

So, I finally made it to the Muttart Conservatory here in Edmonton! In the 29 years of my adulthood, I have lived in Edmonton three time for a total of 16 years. Oh, that must be someone else, I am not that old! The years I didn't live here, I visited at least 4 times a year, probably more often.

I am pretty sure the Muttart is about 30 years old, but may only be 25, I can't seem to find anything on the date it was built. So, I say finally! I have planned visits only to wind up doing other things. The Muttart is closed for renovations - for the next ten months. I knew that before we went though, we only went so I could get photos for tomorrows WWC. In the meantime, here are some extra shots taken from the river valley.

This is a gazebo at the Muttart. I imagine in summer it is very pretty.

This Magpie is sitting on the sign that tells you about the really ugly Peace Dove that sits above the hill from the Muttart.

This is the dome of the Legislature building across the river.

This is called Canada Place and yes, it is pink! (Sorry no website) The black glass structure in front on the left is called the Shaw Conference Centre and is built down over the hill toward the river. On a bank that is notorious for sliding. As it is still there 30 some years later, I guess they did a pretty good job.

This is the Hotel Macdonald. I love this building, it was built in 1915 and is so elegant. There was an unfortunate addition built in the 50's on the other side and Edmontonians took to calling the whole thing "the Mac & the Box it came in". The box was torn down in the 80's thank God! It is the Fairmont chain now, but originally this was one of the CN Rail Hotels that are strung across our country.

So, that was my Sunday morning, then I had to go to work.

Take care all.


And so the snowy goes...

The Sun has come out, the temperature has risen. Of course the wind chill is still awful, but it will help to speed the snow along it's way. Of course, it also negates any benefit that might have come from the snow in the way of moisture for the ground.

I thought that this looked really neat the way the snow has slid off the arm of the chair and is still hanging there.

This is the end result of the snow on the pots, I think we got around 35 cm (14 inches) and drifts up to the moon! Update: I just watched the news, the official snowfall was only 29 cm - over the winter we had 28cm which then melted. (11 - 11.5 inches)

If you look really closely you can see the bunnies ears, inside the safety of the tree (bottom left).

I don't know what type of bird lives here (some kind of sparrow?), but they were nest building before this all began. Yes, there is another hole behind all that snow. I don't know if I should go and brush the snow off, or if I should just leave it alone. Any suggestions?

I just realized the cones from the tree are obscuring the view of the top hole a bit too.

Good evening all.