Showing posts with label blogging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blogging. Show all posts


I don't know why...

but I started a new blog. Ostensibly to post the photos that don't get posted here. We'll see how well that works out. I may just drop this blog if I find I am doing more there. I don't know. The link is on the right at the top of the page.

Check it out, or not.

Have a good day.


Spring cleaning

I have such a mess in my tiny apartment, that I can barely move around. Therefore, I am taking a short time off to get some cleaning done blow out some cobwebs and maybe when I come back I will have more to blog about. I know, I have been very lax lately! I will still do the WWC tomorrow, and drop by and comment occasionally, but I won't be posting for about a week, maybe longer.

Take care all.


Just one more post

I can't end my first year of blogging on an odd number. So, here is post #40! Yeah, an exciting number isn't it? Well, the post may not be any more exciting.

My cousin Leah of The Goat's Lunch Pail, is to blame for my becoming aware of blogging. She inspired me (all unknowingly of course) to try it myself. I very quietly started on another blog site and whined and bitched. Once I got that out of my system and wrote a post that I thought would be worthy of sharing, I told my sister (she has managed 61 in less time than I). She in turn told cousin Leah. By this time I was getting very frustrated with the other site, so thought I might like to try it over here where other people might actually find me.

Lo and behold they did! They even seem to like what I write sometimes.

So, to all of my new found blog friends I would like to wish you all a happy and prosperous New Year! I will leave you with something to laugh at.

Kai - My Standard Poodle

Sibu wondering what Kai is guarding.

Kalon, a friends Siamese with Sibu at about two years.

Shadow, braver than Sibu, getting the bone in an unguarded moment.

Good Afternoon!