Showing posts with label crafts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crafts. Show all posts


Photo Finish Friday: Holster

I made a holster out of an old bag and a bit of cardboard tube, to stop my camera from weighing so heavily on my neck and banging on my hip. I made it long enough (I hope) for a zoom lens when I get one.

Happy Good Friday/Earth day all :)

PFF is the creation of my cousin Leah over at The Goat's Lunch Pail.


I'm Back!

Well, mostly anyway. Not that I have ever been consistent here. I have all of the projects at that almost done phase - you know - they just need the hem to be sewn, or the edges trimmed, the last things that seem to take forever. In my case, usually because I've gotten bored. These will get finished though, because they are gifts (although, that hasn't helped me finish some other things). I should be able to post a few photos, but some will have to wait until after Christmas, I don't want to ruin any surprises.

In other news my Aunt Doris died and she will be missed. She was my mom's youngest sister and probably the only Aunt on that side that I really felt I knew. You see, my mom came from Nova Scotia and married an Alberta farm boy. Most of her siblings stayed in that part of the country and I think we only ever met them five or six times. If you would like to read a beautiful tribute to my Aunt, pop over to my sister's blog at Bag Lady's Blather. She is better at these things, she is also the one that keeps the rest of us siblings informed about the goings on within the families.

Well, that's all for today folks, gotta see about finishing something today.