Showing posts with label fall painting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fall painting. Show all posts

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Scattering of Sunshine by BJ Wright - SOLD

10"x8" oil on Raymar panel, painted en plein air, alla prima, on October 12th (completed at 11:15am) - SOLD - The sun didn't break through the scattered clouds until after 9:00 on that Sunday morning at Prater's Mill Country Fair. When I began laying in the basic shapes, my sight line into the woods was clear. As the morning progressed, dozens of people eating freshly baked goodies crowded around the picnic tables. I was popping my head up and down - like "Whack a Mole" - to see my subject as I worked to finish this painting. For purchase, contact me at
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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Hidden Trail by BJ Wright

6" x 8" oil on RayMar panel, painted en plein air, alla prima, on Saturday, October 11th at Prater's Mill Country Fair (completed at 11am) - $50 including shipping - This was my first year as an artist exhibitor at the annual Prater's Mill Country Fair. I set up my easel early after opening my tent, hoping to catch the sunlight as it hit the trees. The morning was overcast and I was somewhat disappointed that no "Autumn blaze" was showing. I laid in the dark basics and shadows -- and waited. It wasn't until mid-morning that the sun broke through and showed the beginnings of what will be glorious Northwest Georgia foliage colors. Contact me for purchase.
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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Fall at Fort Keys by BJ Wright

8" x 10" oil on canvas covered hardboard painted en plein air, alla prima - $85 including shipping -

It seems like ages since I've been outside painting. This is the same scene - "Camp at Fort Keys" - that I painted in September at the Tunnel Hill battlefield. The foliage is changing so fast I'm glad I finally captured it on canvas. The shadows are appearing so blue and the leaves are so firey red, it's just an explosion of color.
Contact me at

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Thursday, November 15, 2007

"Autumn in Bellevue", plein air painting

Autumn landscape painting street scene

"Autumn in Bellevue"
Oil on Canvas, 7x5"

This was painted en plein air in the old Richmond, VA neighborhood of Bellevue, where I live. I have always admired this cute little yellow bungalo on our evening walks, and it fit right in with the blazing fall colors that lined the intersecting street. This has to be one of the prettiest falls I've seen in a while in the city of Richmond. Over the next days I hope to paint as many plein air paintings as I can before the wind carries the foliage away.

Please click the image or contact me for more info.

Jennifer Young, Vibrant Landscapes
My website
My Blog

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Autumn plein air painting

“Falling Leaves on Wilmington Avenue”
Oil on Canvas, 6×8″

This is a recent autumn painting of a scene not too far from where I live in Richmond, VA. For this painting, I set my easel up just in front of a lovely row of blazing orange-red maple trees . The view looks down the street to a cross-section where it meets another road. Just at the end the street sits the suggestion of a neighboring home. All that was visible through the canopy of trees was a bit of hedge, and then beyond that a front door flanked by two columns.
To purchase this painting and read the details of this piece, please and click on the image or contact me.

Jennifer Young, Vibrant Landscapes
My website:
My blog: