Showing posts with label The Shelbinator. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Shelbinator. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Call Off The Revolution

OK, Andrew Keen wins a round. Atlanta blogger, The Shelbinator, went live on Internet TV during and after the CNN YouTube debate from the Citadel in Charleston last night. Our intrepid blogger took us afterwards, live of course, to the infamous post-debate spin room where he:

a.) wandered around in search of a water fountain
b.) snagged a few minutes with CNN's John King
c.) failed to shove enough people aside to get to Joe Biden
d.) shut down all production to chase after women

Talk about not quite ready for primetime. But Shelby looked very nice in his suit and tie, and we at home got to yell along at him in the live chatroom that provides for the blogger's homies. Don't know if he ever got laid though.

Overall: The cult of the amateur is moreorless as it should be: inmates running the asylum. And having a roaring good time doing so.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Smash Your TV

Atlanta blogger The Shelbinator will be broadcasting live on the Internets from the press pit at the CNN YouTube debate tonight. It’ll all go down here around 6:30 or 7pm.

Friday, June 15, 2007

BlabberMash Update

Not so fast... BlabberMash isn't launching today. Yesterday's announcement was a little premature. Kinda like you used to be way back when, eh? Look for site to go live later in the month. In the meantime, enjoy a little extended foreplay on the BlabberMash YouTube channel. She'll like you better for it. Especially if you win the dough offered in the O-Face contest.

Hmmm... now there's an extra bonus feature Shelby could get outta that chicken costume!

Thursday, May 10, 2007