Showing posts with label Al Qaeda. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Al Qaeda. Show all posts

Friday, March 7, 2008

Barack Bashing Begins

Barack Obama may be facing a media bash unlike he has ever experienced in his lifetime. It's not the kind that would greet him with platitudes and champagne, but more like a public hanging while being pelted with rusty beer cans, minus the beer. He could be hearing thunderous roars from collective voices not about "halleluiahs", but "hell to you, yes!". Gone will be the "Change You Can Believe In", and in its place will be "Change You Can Belie In".

Barack's rise has been phenomenal, and his surge since Super Tuesday has been hailed as a new wave of political savvy in its accomplishment at mobilizing the youth and generation X voters, who have long been disillusioned about politics and have abandoned participation in its murky environment. The media reacted in like manner and treated Barack in glowing terms, cautious not to dampen the enthusiasm of his multitude of young and idealistic followers. He became a political messiah in the eyes of the young, and the media followed by citing each statement made through rose colored glasses that seemed to describe a religious icon to be spoken of with reverence and awe.

The swords are out of their scabbards now. What will be forthcoming are stabs and slashes that will cut him down to size. The perception has changed from one with a halo mouthing words of wisdom, to one with a Mickey Mouse ear cap and bubble gum in his mouth. Like Judas said in the rock opera Jesus Christ Superstar, "You have set them all on fire, they think they've found the new messiah. And they'll hurt us if they think you've lied". Barack Obama should find a way to survive this brewing crucifixion. His fans in Kenya will always survive on the brewed beer fondly identified with him. But this one, he will have to drink from a cup of very bitter venom all by himself.

What brought this sudden shift is the fact that with all the hype and the rhetoric, he just couldn't defeat the resilient Hillary Clinton in the big states, despite having more states and a lead in delegate count. Doubts about his being electable have cropped up, and Clinton's fear tactic of a White House crisis call at 3 AM with the question "Who will answer that call?" proved to be effective. Worst of all, an Obama aide has assured Canada that Barack did not mean what he said about NAFTA. And the US media is now poised to scrutinize his stand and his statements with clinical, if not murderous intent.

His fashion statement in that Somali gown will only add fuel to the fire, together with his failure to put his right hand on his left chest during a flag ceremony when the Star Spangled Banner was being played. The trial of a racketeer ally in Chicago will definitely pollute his image of purity; also, his association with a self-confessed US terrorist through his Church won't help at all. His Muslim education and heritage will certainly raise volumes of theories about a conspiracy to hand over the United States to Al Qaeda.

Insights into the American mindset and behavior patterns could also be revealed. Their maturity or imbecility, depending on how this plays out, will surface for all its enemies to take advantage of. The saddest part is that the longer the Democrat selection takes, the uglier and dirtier it will become; and the Party may self-destruct and lose the election in November. It's time to step right up and get your tickets to the grandest circus in the world; and see the tragedy of what the so-called bastion of Democracy does to its future and ex-future leaders and messiahs.


Thursday, March 6, 2008

Bout Busted in Bangkok

The "Merchant of Death", regarded as the world's biggest illegal arms dealer was arrested by Thailand's police in Bangkok. Victor Bout, 41, a Russian who graduated from Moscow's Military Institute and known to be a Major in the KGB, is wanted for engaging in illegal arms trade in Asia, Africa, the Middle East, South America, Europe, and selling arms and weaponry to the Taleban and Al Qaeda. He is also the most prominent foreign business man known to be breaking UN embargoes on arms sales to Bulgaria, Slovakia, Ukraine and Krygyzstan. Bout was arrested on the strength of a US warrant issued by the Drug Enforcement Administration.

Victor Bout, who has the reputation as the "man who makes war possible", is believed to be the inspiration for Nicolas Cage's character in the 2005 film "Lord of War". In 2002, he evaded arrest stemming from a warrant issued by Belgium and interpol when he returned to Russia. The Russian Constitution protected him from extradition. He has also been investigated in several countries but has never been prosecuted for arms dealing. As implied in the movie, the illegal arms dealer is set free by the higher authorities of the very country that arrested him, primarily because these countries use him to sell arms to the enemies of their enemy in a war for wealth and profitable resources.

Bout speaks several languages and owns the largest private fleet of Soviet era cargo aircraft, obtained during the break-up of the Soviet Union. It is chillingly possible that he has also obtained and sold some of the former USSR's nuclear weapons and ICBMs to countries that are at odds with the western powers. Bout has denied performing illegal acts. How this arrest and seizure of his cargo in Thailand will play out deserves scrutiny. Trade offs and back room deals to prevent information leaks about involvement of other countries and their officials in sanctioning arms selling, could conceal the brutal truth about these transactions and the bloody trail of death, destruction and misery it leaves behind. Bout could certainly be out of the picture, but someone from the same mold will take his place.

Men like Victor Bout see only the profit in war. They are cognizant of the lust for power among leaders, that fuel the greed and plunder of nations; unmindful of the suffering, pain, dislocation, and psychological damage to the survivors and the generation of bitter orphans it produces. These are mere collateral damage for their objective of wealth and power acquisition. The trader in Victor Bout is focused on the transaction as a business agreement; and death, in all its savagery, brutality, and inhumanity is just an economic method where the tools of his trade are applied. That such men are protected by heads of powerful agencies of states is not surprising. The pursuit of power and the desire to dominate produces the worst of scoundrels even within nations that declare their adherence to democratic principles.


Saturday, January 26, 2008

Kerviel's Knack for Kiting

By this time, Jerome Kerviel is running (pun Intended) neck and neck with Osama bin Laden as the world's Most Wanted Man. Unless apprehended, and if he can find his way into Afghanistan and join forces with Al Qaeda, his status will be in that position for a long time. There are similarities in the impact created by Osama and Kerviel; Osama terrorized the world with bombs, while Kerviel terrorized the global financial system (which affects citizens of the world) with fraud. He now ranks as the top most popular search request on Google, minus all the sex related ones.

The bank, Societe Generale stated that Jerome admitted guilt and he acted alone; and there was no personal gain for himself. All he did was make fraudulent bets using the banks money that European Stock Markets would rise. Well it did not. He then covered up the losses with more fraudulent accounts rather than leave the market and cut losses. His supervisors and department managers were given their walking papers. Jerome was playing the part of a big time spender, investing billions into stocks he perhaps believed would help his career, his fortunes and the bank's as well. Its quite similar to a degenerate gambler who would be at the brink of selling his soul and can't stop betting. When all hell broke loose, so did Jerome Kerviel.

He is now a hunted man, despised by his neighbors for bringing in the nosy media into their quiet lives, abandoned by his friends who have disappeared from his facebook list, and dumped by his girlfriend. His University professors say he was no genius. An ordinary student who worked hard and not a troublemaker. His office mates say that he was quiet, and worked his way up to become a trader from a nondescript job as a monitor of trades on the floor. Yet, the Chief Executive of the bank says the fraud was extraordinarily sophisticated. He certainly was a genius at kiting.

Doesn't this characterization sound like the terrorists of 9/11 as described by those who knew them? Did Jerome Kerviel intentionally defraud to create economic turbulence worldwide? We will know if and when Osama airs a video message to this effect. But how can this fraud be going on for a year without anyone noticing? How can one man run rings around a very sophisticated system and elude signals of the unauthorized amounts invested in unverified accounts? What sort of management controls exist in the second largest bank of France that would allow an employee who worked the backroom, knew the codes, mastered the control procedures, to become a trader? Is this because he was a "nice guy" quiet and honest? This is simply unforgivable stupidity. Jerome may be a fool, but he sure made a fool out of a lot of people worldwide.

Aside from a public apology, what is the culpability of Societe Generale? It seems that the bank was able to cut their losses by unloading unprecedented volumes of Jerome's futures contracts in the markets last Monday, exacerbating the already panic stricken markets to even higher levels. The banks losses are stated at $7.1 billion, but recent reports indicate that our anti-hero invested around $73.1 billion. How much of that the bank can recoup is not clear, but the losses could run up to $22 billion. For an institution that's capitalized at $52.6 billion the potential losses are enough to send the stockholders jumping from the Eiffel Tower.

Societe Generale is now forced to raise $8.2 billion in fresh capital. They would need more as the stock market continues its jittery plunge. This incident clearly illustrates how fragile the global economic and financial systems are, and how the interconnection of all countries, with its attendant benefits, can also bring about its collapse. While the decline in the financial markets was not due to the Kerviel caper, similar illegal activities executed in simultaneous fashion can bring the world to its knees.

It would be chilling to think of Al Qaeda expanding their efforts with activities such as these. Sabotage and economic terrorism could impact into panic, hunger, chaos, riots, civil strife and the decline of civilization as we know it. Coupled with their terrorist bombs at the weakened security situation, the combination would be deadly. Sophisticated systems of whatever kind are no match for human intentions and human frailties. It would be wise for those who hold power and influence to speed up the moral improvement of financial capitalism - if such an animal can be tamed.


Sunday, December 30, 2007

Pieces of the Pakistan Puzzle

Piece #1
President Pervez Musharraf- He shot into the global arena after 9/11, providing invaluable assistance to the US and its allies for the war on terror. Vowed to fight terrorism. The only Muslim country under an Authoritarian leader to support the effort. Yet he gave the Taliban leadership permission to resettle in Quetta and entered into peace deals with the extremist tribal bands on the border, while allowing Islamic extremists to go unabated in their propagation of jihad and Sharia law inside Pakistan. He agreed to shift to Democracy but bargained and secured the nod of the US for a "localized" Democracy, a version in which he will retain power. He could not get a confirmation of his election in November from the Supreme Court; declared a state of emergency, replaced the justices with his handpicked people, and got the confirmation. Under US pressure, he relinquished his post as concurrent head of the military but handpicked his successor too. He acceded to a brokered truce by Condoleezza Rice with Benazir Bhutto, allowing her return and dropping corruption charges , and was seen working towards sharing power with her as Prime Minister. Yet he had Bhutto arrested, then placed under house arrest after the bombing in her initial campaign rally. Following this, he continued to ignore requests for additional police vehicles and security arrangements for Bhutto's sorties. The assassination of Benazir Bhutto took place near a military installation.

Questions: Is President Musharraf playing both sides? If so, is it because he does not trust the US to keep him in power as proven time and again in recent history? Now that Pakistan is threatened by various extremist elements running wild plus the rampaging riots courtesy of Bhutto's supporters, can President Musharraf hold on to power?

Piece #2

Benazir Ali Bhutto-
Undoubtedly an intelligent, charismatic and populist political figure and leader with a long history of violent deaths in the family because of politics. Possesses strong grassroots support and is fully committed to a return to meaningful democratic processes for Pakistan. Vowed to uplift the lives of Pakistanis and institute tougher measures against extremists and Al Qaeda in particular; in contrast to Musharraf's coddling of jihadists and purveyors of the ultra conservative Sharia Law. Agreed to share power with the President on the truce brokered by Rice, but contradicts Musharraf's decisions in her speeches. Apparently possesses a weakness for corruption and a lavish lifestyle as against the poverty ridden countrymen she supposedly speaks for.

Questions: Did Benazir Bhutto demand, and eventually secure, a secret agreement from the US about taking full power after winning the election in January as part of the brokered truce? Are the conflicts with Musharraf's actions and decisions in her policy statements a prelude for this purpose? Knowing the dangers she was to be exposed to, were her efforts to unite her party and subsequent sorties meant to seek redemption, more for her countrymen; or for herself, the family's name and status?

Piece #3

The US Involvement -
Uncomfortable with the growing anti-US sentiment in Pakistan affecting its efforts in the war on terror, and the chaotic situation in its political structure; plus the emerging influence of extremists and jihadists in the country, the US sought to balance the hostility by engaging Pakistan's most popular political figure, Benazir Bhutto. Expressing full support for the US efforts, Bhutto's return and outpouring of acceptance by the Pakistanis, allowed her to regain a considerable amount of respectability and influence, and a more positive view of the US as a supporter of Pakistan's development; in addition to creating a sense of renewed power within her grasp. The US saw the power sharing arrangement with Musharraf as the best of both worlds they could get to win the war on terror. The CIA and the Defense department are, ironically, the ones encouraging more participation and involvement for civilian politicians.

Questions: Does the US sense some duplicity in the actions and/or intentions of Musharraf? Was the negotiation with Bhutto meant to check this duplicity? Was Bhutto made the pawn to see the true nature and intent of Musharraf? Did the US fail to see a successful assassination of Bhutto despite knowing the "many enemies" that threatened her life? Is the US prepared for, and capable of, repairing its tattered foreign policy in this region?

Piece #4

Three Versions of the Cause of Death-
The Ministry of Interior, through Minister Hamid Nawaz stated that the assassination was done by Al Qaeda through a militant leader named Baitullah Mehsud, based on obtained transcripts. The attack as reported by Italian News Agency, was planned by Al Qaeda's Ayman al-Zawahiri in October. However, the cause of death was given last Thursday as bullet wounds from the assassin's gun. By Friday, the declaration was "the impact of shrapnel on her skull" caused the death. Then later on the same day, it was changed to Bhutto banging her head against the metal support of the sunroof in her car as she ducked, that fractured her skull and caused her death.

Questions: Without a message claiming ownership of the assassination, was the Interior Ministry acting too fast in laying blame on Al Qaeda? Are those they named mere fall guys and usual suspects? Was the assassination carried out by "enemies" of Bhutto and laid on the lap of Al Qaeda to divert the investigations away from the real killers? And, is Al Qaeda quietly accepting this act to enhance its influential image to the west and the rest of the Islamic world? Are the three versions of the cause of death a ruse to deflect the investigations and negate other evidence to hide the real perpetrators?

Piece # 5

Nawaz Sharif -
The former Prime Minister and only remaining populist political figure in Pakistan, who was once the most powerful man in the country prior to being deposed by Musharraf; returned in September from Saudi Arabia. He was subsequently deported. The amnesty signed by Musharraf that paved the return of Bhutto did not include Sharif. How he managed to return without arrest was purportedly at the request of his host, Saudi Arabia. The former PM was
spared a jail sentence together with his family, at the request of the Saudis. Sharif has also vowed to oppose President Musharraf's government in the January elections. He has been making attempts to align himself with Bhutto's forces.

Questions: Did Sharif's avoidance of jail terms for himself and his family via the Saudi request include a strong "suggestion" from the US to the Saudis? Is his return and apparent acceptance by Musharraf's government hinged on the same "request and suggestion"? Will Sharif become the standard bearer of Bhutto's party and eventually be Prime Minister? Is this the counter-request of Musharraf to his perceived intentions of Bhutto? Is he Musharraf's secret candidate or is he the secret candidate of the US? If he is some interest group's secret candidate, could that interest group have complicity in the murder of Benazir Bhutto?

Now, you put the pieces together and you will see the picture. Of course, this is purely conjecture on my part, especially the questions for each piece of the puzzle, but the facts of each piece are accurate. I simply put myself in the shoes of each puzzle piece. You can ask your own questions too after reading the piece facts, the picture may still come out the same. Same dog, different collar.


Sources: CNN, MSNBC, BBC, Newsweek