Showing posts with label A way to read the blog in black text on white. Show all posts
Showing posts with label A way to read the blog in black text on white. Show all posts

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Reading the blog in black text on white

I didn't paint on the seascape today. I wanted to get away from it for a day and clear my head. So I painted outside. I received an email from a helpful reader ( thanks a lot, that's a big help!) that will be useful to those of you who have complained about reading the text on a black background. I like the aesthetic and the art looks good on black. I like the black., It looks cool. It also gives my blog a distinctive look.

First of all I would like to thank you for your blog, I cannot emphasize enough how much it has helped me. Thank you. Second, I've seen some people complain about the color scheme of your website, and I've seen you suggest using google reader. However, there is an easier way, at least in firefox browser. You can go to options -> content -> colors, and choose your own colors. I think that should help people who complain their eyes hurt. I've attached pictures of how to do it.
Thank you again.
