Showing posts with label blooming tuesday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blooming tuesday. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Blooming Tuesday: Words to live by

This card lives on my bulletin board in my studio. I firmly believe in the message which is so close to my personal motto:
"Nature is my church, kindness is my religion."

(Card by Koco. Art by Janeen K.....the print is too hard to make out.) 

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Blooming Tuesday: Home Retreat

A couple of times a year I take a long hard look at myself and take inventory.
I try to see what's missing, but mostly I feel something is missing.
The missing piece almost always turns out to be bankruptcy in self-care, a common theme for many of us. 
I feel I'm good at nurturing family and friends, (at least I hope so) and I know I'm very good at nurturing my pets.
So this week is for me. I'm going to limit blogging and emails to a few stolen moments here and there. I will eliminate phonecalls unless it's an emergency.
I will meditate daily. I will take walks and eat well.
And I will pour myself into long neglected painting projects.
At the end of the day I'll go to bed early with books that have been calling to me and I will probably fall asleep after two pages.
So friends, I'm not checking out.
I'm checking in, with myself ;)

Happy Blooming Tuesday!
Stay tuned for my latest painting from start to finish.
♥ xo ♥

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Blooming Tuesday: meditation

Exactly a year ago I decided to try painting mandalas. This was my first one and I had such a pleasant time getting lost in it. The original is quite tiny (and missing at the moment!) It must still be packed away.
This past weekend I planted my nasturtium seeds in their starter pots hoping for blooms like these. When/if they bloom I'll share the pictures on another Blooming Tuesday.
Have a wonderful week!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Blues

I thought it would be fun to see my blue ABC/ATC's so far.
I'm having such a blast with this series trying to keep them all in shades of blue!
This week's "N" will have to go in the next batch.
Click here to see the blog and the cards by the other ladies. 
This post counts for Blooming Tuesday and Animal Wednesday!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Blooming Tuesday : Mini Tulip

I've been busy painting these little miniatures and listing them in my Etsy shop.
I think spring in New England has hit me!
And you can see I'm making use of many stamps that have come on my mail this past year. Fun!

Anyway, first time doing Blooming Tuesday!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Blooming Tuesday Debut

Hello there! I'm taking a short break from my self-imposed hiatus to post this artichoke blossom my husband brought home for me one day last year. I plunked it in the vase and sat right down and painted it on canvas. Normally, I don't paint many still lifes but I did enjoy the 'complicated simplicity' of this one.

I'm taking lots of deep breaths, packing little by little but getting it done.

I already miss everyone though so I felt like posting something!

Happy Blooming Tuesday!