Showing posts with label sun. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sun. Show all posts

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Illustration Friday: Early

Am I the only one who groaned at this week's word? I really try to think outside the box but this word just didn't inspire me at all.
I also groaned this morning when my dog decided she had to go out at 5 A.M.!
So, I took her out, poured a cup of coffee and sat down to do my entry.
This is a simple digital collage embellished with colored pencils.

Wishing you all a butterfly sunrise and a chance to sleep in till at least 7 A.M.
Happy Weekend!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Animal Wednesday: Sun Therapy

As long as I find something in my archives I can take a few minutes to post something. I'm having withdrawl!

This is a painting I did when we first moved to California. This is Biff, one of the three boys that drove out with us. He was a typical sun worshipper, just like his mom. I took him from his previous owners when he was a year old. He had malnutrition and pneumonia. He lived on a dairy farm and they didn't believe in feeding him because they thought he wouldn't be a good mouser unless he was hungry. They never gave him vaccines and the result of that was upper respiratory infection that went into pneumonia.

I took him to the vet hospital where I worked. He was negative for leukemia, thank goodness, so we treated his pneumonia, fattened him up and when he was better we neutered him. He was nearly seventeen when he died.

He had the biggest crush on me, honestly it was a hoot! I dearly miss him.

Now that we're moving back, it seems appropriate to post something that I did shortly after our arrival.

Happy Animal Wednesday!! And yes, I'm still packing like crazy ;)

Friday, March 27, 2009

Skywatch Friday: Afterglow

The afternoon sky was filling in with wispy clouds as the sun went down over the trees and hills. This was not enhanced in any way. Just look at this glow!

For more sky photos from around the world, check out Skywatch Friday, and remember to look up!